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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by nyhunter1919

  1. We currently have 18 members. There will be at least 10 or more guys coming up for opening weekend.
  2. The hunting club that I'm apart of is looking for a cook (or someone who knows what they're doing) for opening weekend Nov. 14-16. Our club is located in Ulster County New York. Get in touch with me for pay, info, accommodations, and kitchen information. Reply on here or send me an e-mail to [email protected]. Thank you! P.s. if anyone knows a cook or anyone that can cook then please send me their info. Thanks
  3. Cool pics of the bears. That's a fake buck though, correct?
  4. Hey hunters/fisherman/trappers, the rod and gun club that I'm a part of just lost a couple of guys due to them moving away. There's a few openings in the membership and I thought that this website would be a good way of getting the word out and finding some hunters/fisherman/trappers interested in joining. Get in touch with me for more information including, acreage, location, and information about the club, etc. You can call/text me or shoot me an e-mail or simply leave me a message on here. My number is 631-742-9877 and my e-mail address is [email protected]
  5. Hey hunters/fisherman/trappers, the rod and gun club that I'm a part of just lost a couple of guys due to them moving away. There's a few openings in the membership and I thought that this website would be a good way of getting the word out and finding some hunters/fisherman/trappers interested in joining. Get in touch with me for more information including, acreage, location, and information about the club, etc. You can call/text me or shoot me an e-mail or simply leave me a message on here. My number is 631-742-9877 and my e-mail address is [email protected]
  6. Hello fellow outdoor enthusiasts, my name is Mike I'm from Suffolk County. I'm part of a rod & gun club located in Ulster County which is wear I hunt, fish and vacation to. I enjoy big game hunting especially bear hunting. I also love small game and turkey. I recently started trapping and it might be my new favorite season. I love bow hunting, for many reasons including the early season warmth and the challenge of it. I use a Matthews bow and during rifle season I use my Remington model 700 30-06.
  7. Hey hunters/fisherman/trappers, the rod and gun club that I'm a part of just lost a couple of guys due to them moving away. There's a few openings in the membership and I thought that this website would be a good way of getting the word out and finding some hunters/fisherman/trappers interested in joining. Get in touch with me for more information including, acreage, location, and information about the club, etc. You can call/text me or shoot me an e-mail or simply leave me a message on here. My number is 631-742-9877 and my e-mail address is [email protected]
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