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Everything posted by 513487a

  1. Thanks, I want some very cheap model, for night to a maximum of 15 yards photos, and I have q AA batteries, which have reviewed the simmons WhiteTail 6MP Trail Camera , Stealth Cam P12 6 MP, and Tasco 5 MP?
  2. Hi I am from Madrid (Spain), and next month will travel to New York City, and would like to buy several Trail Camera, I do not know New York City, and need advice on where I can go and buy in a physical store, I do not they are very expensives, that are normal for me is enough, want to spend max $ 100 per unit or less, also would be happy to receive advice. Thank you very much.
  3. Hi I am from Madrid (Spain), and next month will travel to New York City, and I would like that aconsejarais a physical store to buy Trail Camera a good price. Thank you very much.
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