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About USMCSims13

  • Birthday 05/24/1988

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  • Hunting Location
    Broome County
  • Hunting Gun
    8mm Mauser / Weatherby Athena / Mossberg 835
  • HuntingNY.com
    google search

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  1. B3h - I don't really have any kind of making them up as I go.
  2. Have made it to New York. Looking forward to meeting some of you. I will be herw until black friday.
  3. B3h I did get it I have real spotty service out here. Treeguy I will be in Binghamton
  4. I did pretty good out here got a couple does and a nice sized pig. I will have a vehicle.
  5. Yes I have a Mossberg 083051 with a field and slug barrel.
  6. Hello everyone, My name is Chris. I am an Active Duty Marine Infantryman that is coming home from being stationed out in California for three years. I am looking to go on a Deer hunt the day after Thanksgiving. I grew up in the Binghamton area but never got a chance to hunt as a kid. I have however hunted deer and pig out here in California. I will be using my Mossberg 835. I also wanted to try to do a goose hunt around Christmas. Any information or even if anyone would like to link up somewhere in the Southern tier that would be awesome. Beer is on me for the help for sure. Good luck out there this season and hopefully I will get the chance to hunt with some of you soon! Semper Fi, Sgt. Simser
  7. I am in California right now but am getting stationed back in NC starting in November. I will be making a few trips up to see family between now and my next deployment some time next year. I know for sure I will be home around thanksgiving and Christmas. I want to try to do a Deer hunt in November and a few goose hunts in Dec.
  8. I will be home this Thanksgiving! I am hoping to go out on black friday to try to do a hunt. Anyone have a spot near broome county. I will be using shotgun. Also, does anyone have any information on duck and/or goose hunting in the southern tier area. I have just gotten into duck hunting and would love to get some up north as well. Thank you all for the comments and I am looking forward to doing some hunting with some of you soon!! Semper Fi, Sgt Simser
  9. Thanks everyone. I hope to be home this winter and if I am will definetly reach out for some spots!
  10. Hello Everyone, My name is Chris. I grew up in Binghamton, NY. Never did a whole lot of hunting back home just a lot of trap and target stuff with my gramps. For the past few years I have been hunting mule deer and boar pretty successfully out here in California. I am stationed here with the Marine Corps but am moving back east this winter! Can't wait to see some real game up in NY. Anyways hope to get some good info and maybe meet up with some guys for a hunt this deer season.
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