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Gun Jammed

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Posts posted by Gun Jammed

  1. Got 1 on cam, it was just weird I had pics of deer every single day and I mean all times of day, I pulled cams and up until 6 days before the season there was zero pics of deer. Lol I think it's just cause the damn deer know it's hunting time now so I'm not surprised I just haven't been able to get the deer to come close enough to shoot. I'm just blaming this I guess on the easy target the coyotes lol!

  2. Curmudgeon,

    You won't have to worry about me, I was just asking a simple question that I didn't know the answer to. I think are friend Steve took it the wrong way lol. Thanks for the info im going to be doing some research!

  3. I'm in 8R this is the first year hearing then in my property and this is ironically the first year I've seen zero deer opening day, well out here now gonna see what I can do!

  4. Okay so all year long I have my cam set up and I got thousands of pics of all types of deer and turkey's, well this morning got out the car and heard the coyotes going nuts. I've never heard them on my property before. I pulled my cams and for the last 3 weeks I've had deer right by my stand with the exception of the last 6 days I have nothing, no wildlife at all.

    It was weird out there today I barely saw any wildlife, usually there's a million squirrels I saw like two lol. My question is do the coyotes moving into my property possibly have pushed the deer onto different property? I've had all different does and bucks on my property but now all of a sudden it's gone. Or could this be them adjusting away from the "summer pattern"


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