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    Remington 270
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  1. New to NY, but does this state have a "Master Hunter" program. Other states have this program that requires additional training and community service to better the forest land. In return the states partner with farmers and those farmers allow the master hunters access to thier land to hunt during either regular or special seasons or to be able to use thier land owner permits. Makes for good relationships and good stewardship. I think that would be an improvement if they dont already have it.
  2. Unfortunately most of the voting in Oregon on these things come from people in portland who have never even seen life outside of a groomed nature trail with signs on where to go. Still a good topic to argue/discuss.
  3. MR VJP, we are living just north of Saratoga springs. Previous employer called for a great opportunity and the family decided we were up for an adventure. In Oregon we lived just east of Portland up near Mt Hood. NYslowhand, thanks for the info. Since I didn't get tags this year I am planning on taking my boy on some winter/spring scouting trips to get to know the areas.
  4. Spending my entire life in Oregon I can tell you that the law is very unpopular. If people have never been out west, Ill tell you its a little different and may not be totally understood. Much like coming here has been for me and the thought of tree stands. You can walk for days in the woods and probably never see another person while you are on public land. If you live in eastern oregon and own a few thousand acres, which is fairly typical, you will only see who you invite. I agree with protecting our youth since they don't get to choose most things (like who their parents are). But as far as adults, it is America and we should be free to make our own decisions if the outcome only adds to our own detriment. For the record, I always wear orange when I'm in the woods. Id rather take my chances being seen by other hunters than trying to hide from them. By the way, the popular forum in Oregon has gotten much nastier about this than the one here on both sides. Entertaining reading My 2 cents.
  5. Moved here from Oregon a couple months ago. Looking forward to figuring out the hunt in NY. Great to find a forum like this. As far a hunting I prefer to walk a few miles to get away from the crowds and dont mind driving a few hours to get away from the city. Is it possible here? I've gotta say that upstate NY is not what I expected. Pleasently suprised by the area and people. The family has been welcomed with open arms.
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