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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by CuseHunter

  1. Thanks for the great advice guys. I will keep the set up I have now till after the season then I will go to the range. I had shot many deer over the past 2 years with this rifle and bullet. I've been happy with it until I had one deer this year I shot right through the pump station and it ran like a bastard, with blood for first 10 feet then none. Finally found the deer like 200 yards away because of the crows I heard. Next doe I got this year I lost with a good shot and once again poor blood trail, added to the mix, I had 2 out of four bullets not fire in my clip which was a not-so nice feeling when I had the whole herd looking at me and no more bullets to send as they stood there. My doe tags would have liked to be filled.
  2. Nothing like good pickled eggs and hot sauce, or pickled kielbasa with some beer for hunting camp :thumbsup: ????
  3. CuseHunter


    Welcome, I am from Onondaga but have a camp in 7m, awesome hunting there!
  4. I'll have to get a box and go to the range after the season is over. I always like trying somthing new.
  5. Just looked at the box. The tips are "BTSP" on the box it just says hornady custom ammo
  6. I'll look when I get home, they are the 150gr "custom match" ammo
  7. I shoot hornady 150gr .308 custom ammo. It shoots great out of my rifle but have not had the best results on the ballistics on taking deer. Debating shooting the same ammo just a ballistic tip or somthing tipped differntly. You think changing the tip of the bullet will make it shoot differently? I don't want to change bullets mid season if it would force me to re-sight in the rifle.
  8. Happy birthday fellow CNYer!
  9. That's good to see you guys do it because you prefer it. I have a small public spot near my house you can only use bow at. I'll be there during the week now to try and fling an arrow.
  10. I've seen a lot of talk about bow kills in late November and December. Curious of people are doing it voluntarily or if they have to due to area restrictions? I know personally I only like bow because I see more deer early season and I guess the challenge can be an added enjoyment. With that said, I have no desire to go out now. It was in the 0-10 degrees range where I hunt now and with all my clothing layers I know there is no way I'd be able to shoot without the string getting hung up and my form would look horrible in all my gear on.
  11. Sorry to hear about the loss. I lost a doe this year after tracking for 4 hours hands and knees finding pin drops. Lost all blood after 200 yards into a golden rod field about a square mile large. It sucks, but don't let it get you down for long. Next time you will focus and take your time and get a confidence boost after nailing a doe good. Best of luck. It happens to us all, you just see most people post about their successes so remember you're not alone. Get at it!
  12. I've read great things about the Barnes even though are are pricey. I'm not a big ML guy, I bought a box of the hornady FPB and they grouped decent with 100gr 777 pellets and I haven't played around with loads or bullets. For hunting purposes they would do the job just fine.
  13. Your hunting camp sounds doesn't sound like much fun with all of your formalities.
  14. There is an app called GPS kit, it is amazing. You can download the maps, mark points, take pictures and tag them and put notes on the map. I use it for scouting in the off season because you can use it to draw tracking lines where you have traveled on the property so at a later date you can not repeat that same area. It's a little pricey but was worth every penny. I even export the files from the app which is a feature and you can open the file with the tracking and pinpoints and open it in google earth and view it on your computer.
  15. Plenty of accidents happen in the woods, after all, you just gotta say you thought a deer was moving in the brush :x
  16. In my opinion, nothing beats a double ladder stand. You have plenty of room to lounge, set a bag down. Hell I've had a deer come once from my 6 o'clock, I got up, turned around and got a a knee and used the back rest as a gun rest. Bada bing bada boom.
  17. My much boots got wet inside and I needed to hunt the next day so I put them on the floor inside with the opening facing the heating duct vent in my hallway enterence. Don't know if that is the "proper" way, but it worked great and the rubber didn't crack or anything.
  18. It's the Indian, not the arrow. If a firearm is sighted in at bullseye for 100 yards on the bench, it should shoot bullseye at 100 yards when you shoot offhand.
  19. I invested in two boning knives from them too, one is semi stiff and straight, the other is flexible and slightly curved. Those two knives are 99% all I use when processing a deer. So glad I listened to the butchers that I shadowed and decided to go with victorinox, great bang for the buck and the grip on the handles are nice too.
  20. Maybe due to being a bow hunter along with being a gun hunter, I make sure I take my time and squeeze the trigger only after placing it perfectly behind the shoulder. So are people now just shooting at deer? It makes you think, how much is that person really aiming? If you put the pin on a deer, by the time you shoot it you should be able to describe the darn hair pigment let alone distinguish it is a deer after all...
  21. I don't see any problem even posting the picture in general unless it has a person in it that doesn't want to be on the internet or a license plate # for obvious reasons.
  22. This is seriously messed up, what kind of pride can you get from stealing someone else's deer they killed? Literally sickening someone would even want to do something like that.
  23. if you want to post it, PM me the picture and I can photoshop out anything like a face or plate easily.
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