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Everything posted by CuseHunter

  1. Awesome bear! The way you guys nit pick a picture and investigate it, I'd think I was watching an episode of CSI.
  2. I used the beman ICS camo hunters, got them from camofire for $75/dz with vanes attached. They shoot just fine out of my bow too.
  3. A picture turns into a four page argument, I'll save my time and pass. I don't know where you guys get your spare time to continually argue. Sounds to me like the wife yells at you all day and this is your release
  4. I own a pair of 800gram insulated leather hunting boots and a pair of the woodland insulated muck boots. I find the mucks to be awkward to walk in and don't like using them in a climber stand as I can't bendy ankle easily when going down in the stand. I use them though if I am hunting any wet areas because I've literally been in water right up the the brim of the boot and would have been screwed if I was wearing anything else. I also think they are warmer than my Lester boots so I use them if I will be going to a ladder or hang on stand. I use the leather boots if I am will be covering a lot of ground and on my feet. Try to not use them in deep snow. I find myself sung leather more in early bow and my mucks in the later season unless using a climber.
  5. I just find it interesting the people who post here are always 100% to the T with rules yet every person I know in the "real world" would shoot 5 min before or after if they can see their target and beyond it. don't know if because it's a public forum and people want to act perfect or if it's actually the case.
  6. I don't marinade them unless I'm cooking for some non-hunter and want to get rid of any game taste. I like to use balsamic vinaigrette
  7. Maybe the people I know That hunt are completely unethical hunters who might take a shot before or after legal time, even though there is adequate light. Yet I find it hard to believe everyone else follows these rules. I don't know anyone else besides these forums that follows the rules to the T. Yesterday I was hunting a field, legal sunset was 4:35pm, It didn't get even get low light till 5:20 where I was. My point being, I would have shot at 4:45 most definitely.
  8. I'm from syracuse (Onondaga) and can send you one via USPS if you would like
  9. trail cam pics would be priceless, he'd probably get pissed after stepping in it
  10. I have a gorilla g30 and love it. Got it for $70 on eBay and it's one of the best investments I've made. Long tether strap allows freedom for archery. It is never tangled up after I store it in a bin. Takes just a few seconds to put on in the morning and is super buckles to use.
  11. Scouting once, I had to go real bad and couldn't wait, I was sweating beads trying to hold it in. I eventually found a log, took my buck knife and cut my tube socks into strips and there you have it folks. The walk back out of the woods surely hurt the feet in my boots but you gotta do what you gotta do.
  12. it is actually this one. Definitely a great deal!
  13. from what I've read, you put them in the boot before you go into the woods. A lot of the time they take a while to actually get warm. I'd recommend getting good quality wool socks. I bought a pair of the heaviest smart wool socks at dicks last season. I hated spending like $20 on a pair of socks but let me tell you, the Merrill wool that they use is top notch and I am amazed with the comfort and warmth provided, absolutely no itch either!
  14. I just saw a nice tripod seat at a local Herb Philipsons, it had a swivel seat, folded up. what I liked the most was the legs on it, you could extend each one to adjust the height. I hate finding a great spot to sit and find my bucket or whatever I'm sitting on, wanting to tip over because of an unlevel ground.
  15. This is unfortunate. It does sound like a group of guys who only go opening weekend and party then might return only once more. Any serious hunter who shows up every weekend would never ride wheelers around and shoot like that. Hopefully the season gets better for you.
  16. I choose a spot someone won't usually walk, and try to do it there. I always cover with leaves too to help reduce scent and make less of a chance someone gets poop on their boot. Either way, I definitely don't think twice about pooping in the woods. I think many people overrate trying to be completely trace-free in the woods, making every action as if they were never in the woods. Just my thought, if I have to poop, I'm going to. I'm not going to leave the woods and go to a store, that sounds ridiculous.
  17. I started this year packing a climber into the woods. Done doing that as I have learned I prefer the ground 90% of the time. I find packing in a stand is a pain. It's noisy, and completely awkward to carry in. I use a stool for bow because I find pulling back the bow is hard when my butt is on the ground. When gun season comes I just use the back of a tree and insulated seat cushion,
  18. I'm surprised he didn't use a shot or anesthesia being a vet or something to relax the buck. Either way, it was a pretty cool video.
  19. two years ago. I'm a relatively new hunter. Sites like this are important to my education on hunting.
  20. Sounds still like a sweet deal. I have rights to hunt my grandparents land (10 acres plus about 30 acers of land I have access to) and allow another guy to hunt there who has for years. It works out just fine, nothing wrong with sharing the woods.
  21. I find no need to read about things which were already taught to me by an instructor. If I did then I'd find myself reading all day on every subject under the sun.
  22. Nice, I remember my first deer like it was yesterday.
  23. I learned in my 1st hunters ed course that you need to attach the tag immediately. Then in my bow course, the instructor noted that he does it after dragging, and it doesn't need to be attached until the deer leaves the ground. Thanks to you guys I just learned that it has to be FILLED out at the time of recovery. I didn't know about that, I used to drag it to the truck, fill it out there and attach then throw it in the back.
  24. how do you know someone gets shot by poachers, it could just be as likely to be anyone else in the woods.
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