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Everything posted by CuseHunter

  1. I guess the same is with me too. I don't even bring a wheeler hunting unless it's in truxton on private land at Morgan hill. It's a long narrow strip of land we hunt and all uphill to the stand, a good 45 minute walk. So the four wheeler is worth it even if I bump the deer.
  2. I wear my regular camo and use an orange cap as my safety precaution.
  3. I prefer to dress super warm so while I sit in my stand during the winter months nice and toasty. So riding in the wheeler is much more convenient and allows me not to sweat too much. I don't think it bumps the deer too much. I also will park it though like 200 yards away from the stand though.
  4. Let the women stay home... I like my peacefully quiet woods.
  5. Family is family, I wouldn't jeopardize that bond because of hunting. Sorry. Definitely a sticky situation, but I wouldn't open that can of worms...
  6. I use it just like the others. I use it as a scent drag and shoot a select few branches around my stand where the wind is in my favor. I do use the same can probably 4 times before it's empty. (I have the big 33% larger size)
  7. Personally I think if I had a young son, I'd bring him with me. Let him experience hunting and being out there if he wants to. I wouldn't let him shoot in the archery season until I knew without a doubt he would pull enough weight and place a shot good enough to put down a deer. With that said, I would do the same for gun season but allow him to shoot if there was a close, easy shot. Just my opinion, which is all hypothetical because I don't have any kids and am still a 20 year old that is fairly new to hunting.
  8. He is just waiting so his audience grows... We are already two pages deep. Ahhhh that must be it.
  9. Either way, every bit of info and personal advice is appreciated, and I'm back in the stand confident I can make the good shot after practicing my form, also not even using gloves or a mask and just camo paint
  10. It would be nice if he wanted to plant some clover and winter oats as a hobby too
  11. "Finally got it done!!!" Got my thread started on getting help tracking my deer.
  12. Real nice buck and good story to go with it
  13. County land is harder to find than state land. And you still need to check to see if hunting is permitted. I know many pieces Onondaga county owns you can't hunt. I looked into it all this summer, called the county for more info twice and both times I never got any answers, just kept transferring me to different departments then back to the one I just talked to.
  14. Check out camofire.com they have top notch brands for a fraction of the price, every day they change the items offered for sale so check back every day. Or call them and ask what they have that isn't listed on the deals page
  15. using the taptalk app on my iPhone 5, I haven't been able to post pictures for a while. Says "your forum has disabled image sharing on this app"
  16. I'm surprised you didn't post this as a "can someone please estimate age/score?"
  17. After hearing some horror stories about new hunters kicking out people hunting land without asking the land owner and it coming back to bite them. Just ask the owner and do what ever they would like, and best of luck.
  18. First look up the land parcel to make sure she actually owns the land you speak of. I had a land owner say they owned a big piece of land and it came to find out that they only owned 8 acres. Then I'd talk to the land owner about the situation and see what they would like to happen. And I'd personally offer the land owner to post signs on their property line for them in return exclusive rights to hunt and keep people out.
  19. CuseHunter


    Spoon feeding someone is different than guiding them to the library and giving them the proper source to read. :peace:
  20. I wear the really thin gloves with a grippy surface, mine are the under armor ones, but I saw Carhartt has a kind called c-grip gloves that are amazing too and pretty cheap. When it gets really cold I break out the hand warmer and use the hot hands too.
  21. Thanks for the laughs, that was actually a really good melody
  22. I recently switched to a qad hdx and like it much more than my whisker biscuit because my accuracy has greatly improved. One thing is that the drop aways are a pain to get 100% tuned and everything but once they are I have faith in it.
  23. I use them because of the ease. I've found they work pretty well
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