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Everything posted by CuseHunter

  1. I have 0 waterfowl experience so I don't know what to look for. I'd say look for water or swamp land...
  2. if you get one and find your gun groups well with them, make sure ya buy another back up box. I am unfortunately going to have to re-sight in an find a new load/bullet combo because I can't find any of the hornady fpb's I shoot. Wish I stocked up while I could have, I think with bullets/sabots they are always changing designs and replacing products (with some which have stood the test of time). Just a little personal experience I thought I should add.
  3. So where is the line drawn for hate speech and hate crimes. Just a while ago there were white older guys locally who were killed viciously in a "game" played by some kids. They would call it "polar bear hunting" or "knockout" find random white person and knock them out. These in my mind are murder charges with premeditation and a focus on being a hate crime. Yet the charges ended up being a manslaughter(I think). What would happen if it were the other way around... I can bet you everything I own it would have gotten lots more attention and severe charges. So how do we enforce these such hate crimes/speech actions if there is a double standard. Once again perspective differences will be paramount.
  4. and you validate the permeating theme of taking things too seriously. It was want as a light hearted joke. I played lacrosse upstate and have learned to take a job at LI when I can, as every person from there I've met can give em' back.
  5. There you have it... LI. Explains everything. :OutBeforeItsTooLate:
  6. at the end of the day, I doubt that show would go on if he wasn't able to film, as I think that family is close enough to stick together. If you ask me, A&E is just saving their own ass by slapping Phil on the wrist so they don't lose the LGBT viewers which is $$$ in their pocket. Besides duck dynasty doesn't A&E air those lifetime movies all day? That's gotta be dominated by the ones that would be offended by Phil's comment.
  7. I respect his moral integrity. It takes some backbone to speak against such a powerful "group"/movement if you call it that. It seems if you speak anything negatively against homosexuality then you are in the wrong. I can't knock a man for sticking to his views on life. I'll keep my personal views out of the matter as to what's right or wrong for the sake of saving my thumbs from typing a 10,000 word essay. Only one question that comes to mind... So who determined that speaking against homosexuality is any different then promoting it? It's all relative on your perspective and views, as I know some religious people who are just as offended when they hear of supporting the LGBT community.
  8. I'm not for an AR, but if it passes I'll follow it and hope others do too. One buck a year I am against as well. I would hate to take a 8pt buck in bow season (one I'm happy with taking) then have to pass up a monster I see later in the season. It's not my hunting style, I'd like the added meat to the freezer and not have all that stress of watching a bruiser walk under my stand while I know I can't take a shot. You can count me out to waste my time, effort, and gas money to go to the DECs show n tell to check in my deer. That's where I draw the line.
  9. do you mean the FPB? I shoot those as well, but can't find any more in stores, I'll have to get them online.
  10. you answered your own question... Power-belts. I personally am not big into MLers but not only on these forums, but ML and other forums I've read on, all say the PB rounds are plagued with poor hunting performance. Like many have said here, I've read good on the hornady and Barnes sabots.
  11. I think the caption is inappropriate to be posted on the internet as everyone can see it and it is a permanent fixture attached to the photo for all to see. I could see someone saying such a comment to a buddy after the day of hunting but now posting it online. Yet if you think this is bad... You should see all the stuff posted on Facebook and twitter by people, I'm often speechless to the things people say and post.
  12. I'll be the first to say it, and I'm sure everyone else will chime in too... You need to use the DEC's website and use the interactive map feature. It works well to eliminate some potential areas. But nothing works as good as getting boots on the ground.
  13. Yep seen this video on here or on Facebook before. People brought up a good point I previously didn't think about. 99% of dead deer won't die with their eyes shut.
  14. Nice! Got some meat in the freezer. Good shooting
  15. with some of you hunter and huntress couples I thought it would give you a chuckle.
  16. I'll ask my buddy if he wants to buy it. I know he is looking, rigt now he shoots like a 2000 pse
  17. also I've heard that they do so to strengthen their neck muscles for sparring. Makes sense.
  18. haha yeah... I am alive and blah blah. But the hunter in me is not yet satisfied it's whitetail craving quite yet. So to Ithaca I go!
  19. This year my archery season was in jeopardy after not being able to get my bow tuned well enough to have my BH's and field points group both well. I got frustrated and went to a local shop who I've always dealt with, unfortunately they charged me nearly $40 to "fix" my rest alignment (which I bought the whole bow setup there in the first place) and even after that I found my arrow to be shooting way off of my field tip. Half way through the season I got my bow tuned decently well with using tips on here and archery talk. Your guys input definitely helps those who are in a jam like I was earlier.
  20. I don't know if I'll be able to afford a NJ hunt. I'm sure tags are expensive plus everything else involved (gas,food,housing) maybe if I split it with three friends
  21. really appreciate it! It looks like Wednesday (my last final) I'll have to prepare for the trip. Tonight when I get home from classes I'll look into the application and see who I can call
  22. I wish I would capitalize on these last days but I have three college finals and am at school preparing all day Monday for them Tuesday
  23. That rack had some character to it, really nice one he got there
  24. nice! Looks like she's a little cold you like the rage 2 blades? I just bought a pack of the chisel tips and have heard nothing but good from them.
  25. Ohio... I'd be down with that. I'll have to do so reading and see if I can fit it into the budget/schedule
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