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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by CuseHunter

  1. I go to my local dollar store (dollar tree) and buy these silica containers that have a water tank at the bottom. They work amazing. One lasts about a month. I used to have a 870 that would get surface rust every time I looked. Now it never does and you can't beat it for $1
  2. I have a case of WH's, only used 4 of em. They wouldn't shoot out of my ML but that's because mine is an Electra, and is way different than any other ML's as it uses electric ignition instead of primers. If you want to buy em let me know
  3. That's a monster. Good for him, not much of the season left too. The show ain't over till the black powder sings
  4. Well this season for me has sucked. Archery season I got out 4x's a week, saw lots of deer, passed on them. As regular season opened, I had to miss opening weekend and last weekend due to the army. During the week I had college I had to buckle down for. Now my season is over and I feel like I didn't even hunt. Is there any places still open for deer hunting besides like LI? I am willing to travel up to 3 hours from Syracuse to hunt.
  5. I do both, I stalk around. And when I find a nice spot that open or funnels, I find a place to sit for an hour or so. Then continue on when I feel like it.
  6. yeah... For general purposes you definitely can shoot 7.62x51 in a .308 rifle. I personally won't just because I don't really shoot at the range for fun, maybe 3-4x's a year on the civilian side. No need to deviate from the standard hunting round when I only go through say 3-4 boxes a year.
  7. Try out archery talk, much more people on there and classified stuff doesn't last long on there.
  8. unfortunately I have to say, .308 is becoming hard to get. I went to the local herb philipsons, and they were all out. The guy said there is a shortage and I didn't believe him. So I went to the dicks in destiny mall. They were all out. So thennnn I went to gander, and they were all out. I talked to my buddy who works there and looked in the back and found one box of Remington corelocts and that was all.
  9. To answer the question simply. Yes, you can use the standard 7.62x51 ammo in a rifle chambered for .308. For more info, you can read up on the specifics of the issue as it can get very nitty gritty with science and ballistics. There are differences in the brass of a 7.62 and .308 as to thickness and powder charges usually differ. The general/simplified rule is... If it is NOT a semi/full auto rifle, it's perfectly fine to use any 7.62x51 ammo in a .308 rifle. And vise Versa (.308 in 7.62 chambered rifle) If it IS a semi/full auto rifle it's okay to use a 7.62 in a .308 chambered rifle, but NOT okay to use a .308 in a 7.62 chambered rifle because of potential problems with the action/chamber/feed/ejection issues that come with the differences in thickness of the brass. Also generally .308 is charged "hotter" than 7.62 and can in the long run create problems with the parts and wear/tear. I hope this short response helped, and may have sparked some interest to keep reading into it via looking online or in a book.
  10. Preseason I think I'm a Jim Shockey trophy hunter about to walk up on a deer 15 yards away and put an arrow to it. By the end of the season it's if it's brown and I have the tag, it's down.
  11. bear swamp... That's near me. I never thought we had swine here
  12. I did soak the meat for the past 2 hours in water, and drained the water every ~30 min. I noticed a definitely reduced amount of salt taste, before it was literally like licking a salt block. Now it is just noticeable toward the center of the meat. It's marinating in BBQ sauce/ water mixture now to add some flavor. After it sits in that for ~45 min. I'll dehydrate it. If it tastes good I'll end up eating the jerky within the next couple days to be safe. If it's still nasty, it'll be cut up into treats.
  13. I like when all three senses are in line... The smell of a spent casing, sight of a deer topple, and sound of a beer crack open.
  14. Nice, got a decent amount of meat for the freezer there. I had two doe to fill up mine, still want to get out once more before it's over.
  15. I thought it was a little strange, most people don't just carry around a firearm, especially in NY. It doesn't sound like they were hunting or anything outside before the attack. Could somehow have a conceal n carry permit. Who knowssss
  16. if that's the case, I'd have to tape it as it would go viral. A welsh corgi whose belly clears the ground by 1". It would look like the deer is running with a dingle berry hanging.
  17. if so... The best eating deer there is I've heard. I'd let the lead fly and be eating real good.
  18. All I know is where do I sign up for this sharpshooter position. Talk about a dream job...
  19. I won't get into any theories I have here... All I will say is I saw some younger bucks I decided to pass during bow, but besides that this season has sucked for me. Spent countless hours in archery hunting, disappointed in sightings. Unfortunately this gun and late season I wasn't able to hunt any more than ~10 days.
  20. it's good you are not rushing anything but I find there is a fine line as to waiting, if you have a good shot you should take it, not wait and wait for the perfect shot as it might not ever present itself and the longer I wait the more nerves I build and that's my biggest cause of in accuracy while shooting a bow.
  21. I give em treats after coming in from outside, small pieces the size of a quarter as they are always coming in and out. It wouldn't be me giving them a whole piece. So I'm not too worried about the salt for them.
  22. After cutting up hind steaks for jerky, I had 11lbs of meat. My cabelas seasoning kit is pre measured for 5lbs of meat. Ended up separating it into 3 batches, one 4.5lbs teriyaki, 4.5lbs original, and the left over amount ~2lbs for the pepper flavor. I decided to use only 1/2 the seasoning packet in the 2lbs batch and didn't use the pre measured cure package and eyed some cure salt I had in a bag from before. Obviously over poured by a lot because the 2lbs batch turned out disgusting, beyond salty tasting. Anyone have an idea for a fix to salvage the jerky? If not, I guess I have some premium treats for the dogs. I was thinking soaking the jerky in water&bbq mix for the night then re-dehydrating.
  23. I have a white handle dexter cimeter, it does the job when necessary. I don't know their preference to color.
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