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Posts posted by dmay4

  1. NY has never had a law requiring any amount of orange.

    While there is no law requiring it wouldn't you think the more the better since we do have our fair share of yahoos out there

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  2. First shots at 635 while my son and I watch 5 deer (I can't tell buck or doe cause to dark) walk all around us. We watch for a while then on to stand. Saw many heard even more shots and many before 710, had a great first am. Oh and farmer decides this am is a good time to thrash soybeans. Still a good day !!

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  3. Prob not till December wish so badly had the time to go I would move into ours if possible but wife wouldn't hear of it

    Only like 40 min away upside I can hunt out my back door I fact may just shoot deer from hot tub this season

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  4. idk about that. Depends on what industry you're in. If you're a prop trader a good day at work could mean hundreds of thousands + dollars.

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    Love my job but day in woods is still better !!bb8f4982a2d267bb077a6171f7f24346.jpg

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  5. 8n looks like it's on in stand 10 min 4pt, 10 min later another 4 hot on tail of doe just back and forth and 20 min later nice big one moving at good pace all to far out to shoot

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  6. Oh wow the wind was something. Swapped some stands late am still hunted during rain passed up a little doe and thought I was gonna fall out of my stand tonight

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  7. Ya know I do this to relax and have fun if he thinks he won well then good for him maybe he will stay put decide to harvest a deer the legal way and not continue to destroy property. I really had no plans on sabotaging his stand (just thought sounded funny)this really becomes more drama than I need and I get enough of

    That at work lol.

    I go into woods to spend time with the kid enjoy the outdoors and if the stars align just right I bring home a little meat

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  8. Yep, Ive been covered up in deer right at dusk on every evening hunt this year besides 2. The one evening we had to sit there for a half hour before the deer cleared out enough for us to sneak out.

    I get that and I've been in same situation (not as often as I'd like lol) knowing this clown pretty sure not the case and he would shoot in very dark situations then need to track beyond the 8 acre lot he has permission to hunt

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  9. As for after dark I am designing a high intensity bulb that mounts on arrow shaft figure I can stay out till hell midnight then say I'm just shooting coons

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  10. Yea wouldn't really sprinkle coyote piss on his stand. Not to say sound real funny. I have multitude of other places including camp with 1500 acres state land so going there often . This is just one of those convenient place to jump on stand stones throw from house after work And yes he has permission more power to him he already has two citations from last year so I'm pretty confident there will be another one coming soon this year and liscence pulled soon so problem solved. It is just frustrating people such as this can give this sport a poor reputation. There is a 400 acre farm next door I have hunted lightly in past and now owner has removed all permission for behavior just like this. Not to mention this nut bag may be behind my house soon with a gun not just a bow

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  11. Ran into this guy last eve when walking out. What a nut he destroys property that's not his hunts beyond legal times and landowner lest him back on. Gonna pull stands tomorrow and relocate leave this small plot to him and not get anywhere near. Unfortunately it's these types of clowns that ruin for rest and give this sport a bad rap. He was given two citations last year and now back at it. Would love to have dec officer happen by while he's walking out in pitch dark

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  12. I live near by but have never hunted in park just got permit today has it been very busy there. Really not a huge fan of constantly bumping into people while in woods

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  13. I agree what said with all this warmer weather but it is sure nice siting in stand when it's in the 60's I'm gonna wear cut offs and my cammo wife beater tomorrow bahahah

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  14. Hunt neighbors lot a guy got tossed off last year for trampling corn but he left a stand. So forward to this year and he asked multiple time if he could hint again and farmer have in now his stand is with in feet of mine. Very frustrating but once heard a guy with similar situation and his reply was in out here to enjoy and have fun so why get all worked up over it. So I will continue to sit in my stand and if he shows oh well lol. Maybe I'll just fart my arse off while he's there

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  15. 9H. Called blind and a nice 6 pt came in. He scattered bunch of does. Hunting from ground blind with 13 yr old son. He cam to 30 yds but offered no shot. Son still shaking

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    That's so cool

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