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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by gfdeputy2

  1. Try again Group could be a little tighter LOL
  2. This was yesterday NH archery opener my daughters first real bow hunt & she brought one of my old North American hunting club books how to hunt whitetails sucessfully didn't see anything though This was opening day Spring Turkey season 5 years ago Triple in the first 1/2 hour season done This was my first deer with a Bow about 9 years ago Yes I was aiming for the Lungs was at full draw for a long time shaking got her in the neck I can say she didn't go far
  3. That is what I saw. Moultrie is pretty quick I had an old camera I bought used (can't remember the model) they ended up giving me a D55IR in exchange no charge & had it in a week or less probably wouldn't hurt to even give them a call to see what they would do for him
  4. Moultrie had issues with the D-333's if you bought it new I would contact Moultrie's customer Service. They have pretty good CS & will most likely take care of you if it is an issue with the Camera but like T_barb said do not face towrad sun & away from branches that are in the trigger range I have D-444 & D55Ir's & no issues & what Phade said
  5. NYbuck50 as far as I know The RampageXT was & maybe still is their best selling model ever Great bow & no need top get rid of that for a long time Wish so bad I didn't have to get rid of mine
  6. new Bow is less then a year old (2013 Mathews ZXT) Old bow was 3 years old (2011 bought in 2010 Hoyt RampageXT) only got rid of the Hoyt due to a shoulder injury otherwise I would still have it & still miss it But I do love the smooth draw of the ZXT& will keep this for a long time hopefully Beachpeaz I agree 100%
  7. great News Congratulations & Stay strong
  8. Red & white that is what came on my Red Zones
  9. Nor should you walk to your treestand with your pockets full of corn LOL It is Amazing the pic's you get
  10. Sportsmans guide has them starting at $30
  11. Once again great Video! Awesome looking bow
  12. Nice set up & Nice Honda Rancher too Good Luck
  13. Yup I will & do & I just use my regular broadheads
  14. trying not to get the twitch
  15. Only way to know for sure is to shoot one
  16. tapped an 8-pointer yesterday with the bumper of my truck no damage to either but was suprised to see out of velvet all the bucks I have been seeing are still full velvet
  17. Thanks I wasn't sure if I could do that would be great if we can stinks if I have to buy a few 5 round mags as I have no other use for them
  18. Looking to do some Squirrel hunting when we head out to NY for our annual archey deer season trip Have a question we will be bringing out our 10/22's I know the BX-25 Mags are illegal I am guessing the standard 10 rounds are too SO can I plug the mag or do I need to purchase 5 rounders what do you guys who have a 10/22 or other semi's do
  19. Yup been on the market a few years not legal in a lot of states. I really don't see the point just use a gun mostly used in texas for hog hunting
  20. Though their sense of smell is poor they still can smell something close to them they also have a great sense of touch in their feet & beaks along with the great sense of hearing & sight
  21. Practicing daily with the Bow, Hiking, working foodplots, bought a new Doublebull blind, checking cameras, setting stands / Blinds & most of all going nuts waiting for the season to start 10 days to go for NH
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