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Posts posted by malesi1

  1. Made my day...After doing some internet research, I guess the word mature may be misleading...The deer was probably 1 1/2 years old and just didn't grow antlers, or lost them somehow... I was about to and shoot IT, but was so caught off guard by what was happening I just watched them...Glad I did.

  2. So I stayed out all day in 8F...3 different stands...... I got into the evening stand around 1:30 and wasn't there 15 minutes when I see a doe being chased by another "doe"...My first thought was it's a button buck, but the doe runs right under me, and stops. I notice that the chase deer is actually bigger than her, and neither of them are yearling deer..He sticks it's nose directly into her and bumps her forward. They stop 25 yards away, and he mounts her.... This is the first time I have ever seen deer actually mate, (35 years hunting). He stays on for less than 30 seconds, and hops off after a big "shiver"...She walks off, and he goes back where they appeared from.


    I assume this buck may have lost it antlers fighting, was hit by car, or had a genetic defect of some kind....Either that, or I have lesbian deer on my lease!


    Ended up shooting doe at 4:15...



  3. Zem, your story reminds me of the Monday openers, hanging out with my pop, my uncles, cousins and friends the entire weekend, playing cards, joking around, smoking cigars, and looking so forward to Monday morning.


    People often ask me, why I love to hunt so much....I tell them, its hard to explain. Its the same reason I still make sure to always have sicilian olives, soppressata, fontinella cheese and crusty bread for lunch on opening day....Its tradition, and reminds me of my ancestors....very important today in this fast, immediate world we live in now...


    I appreciate your story, and will pray you and your dad can get out again. Good luck and be safe.

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  4. Usually, (hopefully), it's a small handful of morons that will do what you have described. I would be HOT if this was happening to me, and probably give up many days of hunting, or even a season to get this under control. I spend a lot of money on property, and simply could not take it being abused by scum bags that have no respect for my land.



    Get in touch with the local police and DEC...these guys are paid to help, and often want to!


    Good luck...

    • Like 1
  5. Shot many deer in my life...only "washed out" a couple....one's that were gut shot.


    If there is snow on the ground, I will usually put some in after I gut the deer, and remove it when I get to truck...99% of time, no need to rinse out a gutted deer.

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