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Everything posted by Daveynewman

  1. Yea the footage shows exactly where it hit when I go frame by frame. I'm at a complete loss of words.
  2. Saturday I shot a doe at 65 yards The shot was perfect even got video of it Still working on editing it for my youtube channel She was quartering away slightly Put it a tad behind the shoulder so it blow out opposite shoulder and slowly squeezed Bang... Felt amazing Watched film 20 times and everytime shot looked great I walked from 8 am to 330 on the side of that hill trying g to find her There was hair all over but no blood at all not one drop. I have never experienced a shot so good with no blood at all. Soon as I finish editing I will post in here for experience hunters like u guys to help me understand what happened Any ideas or thoughts ?
  3. I have mathews creed xs in mint condition 29 inch draw with 70lb limbs for sale or trade
  4. Deff 308 creedmore if u got wide open land
  5. I'm hoping this weekend it's on big time
  6. That's where I am in catt county i was in machias
  7. So this weekend me and my cousins were hunting I seen a buck at about 8am and I got it on video of me grunting and bleat calling at him he was a small buck. He didnt care at all about it and he was walking slow wasnt looking like he was in rut at all Now 150 yards from me my cousin shot a spike he came into a rattling sequence We found him and he stunk and his neck was deff bigger than normal. He said he was behind does. I checked his glands on the back of his legs and they were dark and like I said stunk Now that same night my other cousin shot a buck a 5 pointer and he came in normal pattern to food he didnt stink and his glands didnt stink and his neck was normal and this buck was in the spot I hunted that morning where I grunted and bleated. This buck did not come Into a grunt or bleat he just walked pass the stand. What's is ur guys thoughts?? I know the younger bucks will chase before the bigger ones. I'm hoping this weekend coming up will be amazing
  8. I plan on getting in about 8 am tomorrow and sitting till dark around doe bedding
  9. I always used a climber but I got sick of having to find the perfect tree in the dark. It became a hassle. When i did get the perfect tree i set my stand so that my strong side of shooting was where i felt the deer would come from. I went from that to a light hang on and sticks so I can get in any tree. Then went to a saddle Like some guys stated getting high is great but then the shot angle becomes a problem. When I used the climber i tried to aim for transition spots between 2 types of woods for example pines and hardwoods along the edge and had the dark pines to my back.
  10. Maybe she wanted a choke collar instead hahahahah
  11. I actually made my own out of 1 inch tubular webbing. It's very easy to make
  12. I was so iffy about saddles until I sat in one Hard to go back to a stand
  13. I have one aider that I use . Its removable so when I climb I bring it up with each stick. I am 6 1 and I can spread them out pretty good. I get about 15 to 17 feet with my set up.
  14. Yea I use the predator platform it really is amazing
  15. I use the beast sticks idk if you have heard of them before. They are under 2 lbs a piece and I have a removable aider that I use also. My platform is 3 lbs I use 3 beast sticks with a rope mod that weighs about 6 total lbs for all 3
  16. I use a sony ax53 and a sony 6300 both give me amazing footage but sometimes I hate carrying all the extra weight lol I hunt from a saddle and my saddle set up is under 10 lbs when I add the camera gear I jump up alot. I always ask myself is it worth it lol but when I get calls from my dad saying he was up until 3 am watching my videos to me that's priceless
  17. I personally dont use a go pro I think the footage is good for fishing but not hunting I love hunting public I look for the same thing when watching videos. Like why they chose that spot and why they hunted on that wind or why they felt deer funneled to that location. I agree with the face time but u need that to tell the story sometimes lol
  18. Hey guys I do alot of self filming I do it mostly for the memories. I'm not in it for a million subscribers. I mostly do it for my father who barely hunts anymore so he can see what I see and enjoy the hunt with me. I got my passion from him when I was young and in have been hooked since. Guys who self film or guys who watch other hunters on youtube what do you look for in a video or aim to capture or tell a story ?
  19. That's a tough one to get hope some one trades you I wont lie I'll be jealous lol
  20. Best scrapes that get my attention are if close to bedding or a good food source
  21. Did u find any trails leading to the scrapes coming from bedding ? That's what I would look forn
  22. That's what I thought also but I couldnt pass up trying it lol
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