sorry if this has been asked 2000 x's before. Been shooting for 30 years so handle firearms pretty well. Trying hunting for the first time. Took the class and tags are ordered. I have a rem 40xb but i think its too heavy to drag around all day. thinking of grabbing a sako (finnlight or possibly that new carbonlight) or maybe a kimber montana. also thinking about a vortex viper 2.5-10 x 44 scope. Is this a decent setup for deer hunting? Lastly, what round do you guys recommend? i like to keep things simple so im not buying all different types of ammo. so i have a couple .45 pistols and my rifle is a 308, but a hunter friend said 308 isnt a great deer round. something about having too much arc. he recommended 7mm-08 or 30-06. what do you guys think?