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  1. is Phade the guy that writes trapping articles & never set a trap in his life?
  2. QDM=I'M A DORK FOLLOWER This is the downfall for deer hunting in NY Skinny Land, The Outdoor Chanel & Current marketing make this impossible in NY...go to Iowa & leave the real NY outdoorsman alone Most deer hunters I know go in the woods 3 times a year....& one of them is to check their stand the day before the season opens. Tie up hundreds of acres of land with their city bucks so trappers & small game hunters cannot have any access because they "might" be out there on Thanksgiving A lot of city people are losing their leases here in Central NY because THEY NEVER KILL ANY DEER...farmers call us all the time to come in & put a kill group together & fill some tags I do my duty as a deer hunter in NY & fill my tags...I'm in the woods year round running traps, fishing, root hunting...you name it. I am totally appalled at the attitude of NY deer hunters. Go out west & kill your trophy's...leave NY hunting to the real outdoorsman
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