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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Let's see, they want illegals given amnesty so they can vote, they want mail in ballots because of a virus that is no threat to protesters or Target shoppers, they hate having voter ID but want ID to enter their convention, they are trying to eliminate the electoral college and go with 51% majority rules the country, they want electoral college electors to be able to give their electoral vote to whatever candidate they want in spite of what their state voters wanted, and they wanted to impeach a duly elected President even before he got elected. I think these facts pretty much show it's a one way street my friend.
  2. This is going to be on hellova fireworks display. https://www.robmaness.com/2020/06/american-patriots-bikers-plan-to-retake-seattles-chaz-and-boot-anarchists-youre-invited/?fbclid=IwAR1nimxhgjp0IN5HubLDFmgHnfLIC7hdBlo6_CS5v_9ECJSQct903Lgyt_0
  3. No, challenged in court with a case to support it. Not like leftists taking it to the streets as rioting. That's how Rule of Law works, as opposed to Rule of Men. If the left cheats, they can expect a fight. You ain't walking away from this poker table when you had an ace up your sleeve.
  4. Team Cuomo quietly retreats from yet another nursing-home mistake By Post Editorial Board June 11, 2020 | 7:53pm Enlarge Image Dr. Howard Zucker, NYS Commissioner of Health.ZUMAPRESS.com Once again, the state Health Department has tacitly admitted a major bungle in handling nursing homes amid the pandemic — even as Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Health chief Dr. Howard Zucker keep pretending they’ve been right all along. The latest: A new state order tells homes in most of the state to test all staff for COVID-19 just once a week, rather than twice. That follows Monday’s Post exposé of the fact that labs couldn’t process so many tests: Even by going to out-of-state private labs, homes were waiting weeks to get results. Meanwhile, the burden was slowing labs’ work for other facilities — forcing hospitals to cancel surgeries because they couldn’t get test results within the legal window. Of course, the twice-a-week mandate was simply a bid to show that the Health Department was serious about the crisis in the homes, which have seen more than 6,000 lives lost to the coronavirus, after Zucker’s outrageous March 25 order that the facilities admit infected patients — indeed, to not even test those sent from hospitals. Cuomo hatchetman … er, spokesman Rich Azzopardi insists the testing delays are everyone else’s fault: “It’s up to the facility to work with their contracted labs to ensure they are getting results. Those who can’t will be held accountable.” Can’t do the impossible? You’ll pay! The real question is: Who will hold Zucker and Cuomo accountable?
  5. If Trump lost the election under the legitimate rules currently guiding a presidential election, and refused to leave office, which he wouldn't do, nobody would support him. But if he loses because he gets fewer popular votes but wins in the electoral college and faithless electors throw all of their electoral votes to his opponent, or write in votes are in question as well as illegal votes, then a lot of people are going to support an investigation to rule out illegal tampering before they would let him walk away from the office. That's the reason Democrats are even pushing this question. They plan to cheat, and cheat big. They're desperate for a win and they know in a fair and equal election like we had in 2016, they have no chance. Why are they so desperate? Because many of them know the DOJ is hot on their trail and don't want to find their azzes in jail after 2020.
  6. FUN FACT: Her father and Uncle were both armed and on the roof during the LA riots over Rodney King's police issue. Seriously, no lie.
  7. Maybe I posted it to show how judgemental and intolerant leftists are, since they refused to have a dialog about an opposing viewpoint from an educated, professional individual who challenged their narrative and carried a sign inviting them to do so. Maybe I did it in the interest of full disclosure. Maybe I did it to see who would resort to calling him names rather then refuting his claims, which people do when they can't refute them. Maybe I wanted people to know leftists will target you, try to get you fired and have DSS investigate taking your children away from you for saying the Emperor has no clothes. Maybe I wanted people to question If SUNY Delhi is an expensive conformity mill. Maybe I wanted to show how leftists will resort to, and justify violence, when they are challenged. Maybe I wanted others to question if the police, who supported the mass protest during a pandemic, did their job or failed to do so. Maybe I just wanted to see who I could get a rise out of on here to further clarify who is a leftist. Maybe all of the above. Maybe I am Cormier. Maybe I am Santa Claus. Maybe the protest was a bad idea and this is just more evidence that it was. Maybe, just maybe, I like the word maybe. Hope that clears up the confusion.
  8. Major spikes in hospitalizations? I don't think that is the case. I don't think that will be the case either. One Doc said that? Hundreds of economists have said we are now in a recession heading for a depression. Their expertise is not important? We were asked to flatten the curve and we did, with huge sacrifices and great expense, which is going to take at least a year to recoup, and the government demanded it but failed to support us when we complied. Time for the people to tell the government it failed miserably and we will take it from here and fix what the government ruined.
  9. So all the protesters and BLM marchers signed COVID-19 waivers? Or were they just stupid? People really think Trump won't leave office if he legitimately loses the election? Where did they verify this as fact prior to starting this provocative rumor? Or are they setting up the plan to fix the votes and claim he lost? We can go to Target and Walmart and mingle with huge crowds, but we can't go to the pols to vote? Didn't Democrats actually endorse open borders a few years ago after they realized we DO give people a clear path to citizenship illegals refuse to follow? Doesn't amnesty for illegals encourage more illegals to try it? Do people think Fox News is biased but CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC aren't? Democrats took a knee to support protesters but not rioters, but have told police to stand down during riots and refuse to end a traitorous siege in Seattle? Democrats say the Southerners were traitors when they seceded, but the criminals in Seattle are peaceful protesters? Democrats claim Trump rallies are going to be dangerous, but the BLM protests and riots weren't? Why do Democrats leave us with so many questions they answer illogically?
  10. Here's an example of compromise being bad. Democrats have been demanding compromise from gun owners for decades now and gun owners have accepted compromises. However, it has been entirely one way. Democrats have never compromised to gun owner's benefit. They threaten to demand even more oppressive gun laws if gun owners don't accept their current demands.
  11. We need a statewide Electoral College in NY to remove the death grip the cities have on the state elections.
  12. A counter-protester at the “Honoring Black Lives” rally is claiming mistreatment during his Saturday appearance at the demonstration in Delhi. Cormier, an assistant professor of liberal arts and sciences who teaches introductory psychology at SUNY Delhi, said he’s not a racist. “Despite its intentions, the Black Lives Matter movement is harming black people,” Cormier told The Daily Star on Wednesday. “It’s devolved into a hateful, anti-police frenzy where the community chases out cops and a natural, significant spike in crimes occurs. Communities are subjected to increased drug deals and violence — those are the unintended, paradoxical consequences.” “I thought I would get overrun and my daughter would get hurt. I really felt that our lives were in absolute danger,” Cormier continued. “You could feel the seething hatred — they wanted to attack and to kill me. You could tell.” As he was leaving, Cormier said a “group of girls” walking in the opposite direction “rushed up behind” him after they passed, punching him in the head and hitting him in the back. https://www.thedailystar.com/news/local_news/delhi-counter-protester-im-not-a-racist-monster/article_41d6bd9f-7142-5262-b4df-662d2ec0dd4e.html
  13. It doesn’t take long after listening to the demands of Black Lives Matter activists to realize that BLM’s primary goal is not the protection and betterment of black Americans but rather the promotion of radical leftist politics. Furthermore, if you follow the money, it becomes apparent that BLM is little other than a Democrat fundraising operation masquerading as a black civil-rights movement. BLM’s donation page is hosted by ActBlue Charities, a Democrat political action committee that collects and distributes donations to various Democrats. Ironically, ActBlue funnels the lion’s share of those donations to white Democrat candidates. In fact, the top four individuals receiving money from ActBlue were Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Pete Buttigieg. Put another way, rich white Democrats are directly profiting from sowing racial discord among poor blacks. Is it any wonder that Democrat-run cities have done nothing to better the lives of their black constituents? Elected Democrats see those residents as a cash cow to be milked every election season. Thomas Gallatin · Jun. 12, 2020
  14. Have you ever considered the possibility that everyone else is doing all of the compromising? The situation determines when compromise is appropriate. Some situations determine it isn't.
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