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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. More Mattis push back https://patriotpost.us/articles/71247-dear-general-james-mattis-2020-06-09?fbclid=IwAR3npCOJBA8Jx0OstszxAX1CV70x50hDHU2DJBCwZAG8iXSLd34_cXN5ELs
  2. It is. Usually coming from people who own black semi's and other high capacity firearms who get offended if someone doesn't defend their choices. I'm not one of them BTW, but there are people who criticize their collections.
  3. Nope. Movies that make guns look bad will not be changed.
  4. And since they will "discreetly" ship to NY, I'll bet that's where a lot is going.
  5. Who said he is? Trump is trying to fix the problems Obama created and the race issue is one of them. He's trying to show the analytical data and scientific statistics do not support the racist narrative, but people who run on emotion rather than facts are having no part of it. They don't think for themselves and believe what they are told to believe. Fortunately, there are a lot of famous black voices that are starting to speak up and call out the race hustlers for pushing a false narrative. Do you agree with any of them?
  6. Here is a good article for those who want to age deer. https://www.themeateater.com/hunt/whitetail-deer/how-to-age-a-whitetail-buck-on-the-hoof?utm_source=MeatEater Subscribers&utm_campaign=a37921ef8c-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_06_08_04_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e4b2ec63b4-a37921ef8c-68008229&mc_cid=a37921ef8c&mc_eid=c7e8e22253
  7. Actually, there was nothing for Obama to do when he was first elected. He stirred up the whole false narrative to divide people in the country. He set race relations back 40 years by the time he left office. The media didn't print any hate for him doing it, they supported it. The main stream media is just the propaganda wing of the DNC anyway.
  8. All of those labels may be tossed your way in a derogatory fashion, but to sum it up in one word, you're a CONSERVATIVE, and that is a good thing. BTW, that makes you a normal person that just won't conform to the abnormalities of the day.
  9. As if they were just on their way to a church social and were gunned down by a cop because of their skin color. If a black person is seeing one after the other of theirs getting shot by the police, they failed as parents and friends. Believing there is a lot of racism in this land today is unbelievable. If anything, people have adopted Martin Luther King's philosophy of judging people by the content of their character, rather than skill color. Police don't hold racist attitudes towards blacks, they hold blacks with lousy attitudes on the ground. And the number of blacks with lousy attitudes, entitlement attitudes and disregard for police authority, is getting greater every day. It's not the color of the skin that cops see. It's that ATTITUDE.
  10. How exactly does Elmer hunt rabbits without a gun?
  11. None of that had anything to do with America as an institution. It had to do with the government and the policies it was allowed to enforce with the approval of the people. Then, as now, the government and people were to blame, not the country as an institution. The system the founders of America installed allows the country to be the greatest country that ever existed. The elected officials in the country are to blame for any abuses of the system. Fortunately, the founders envisioned abuse of power by elected officials and put the power to correct that in the hands of the people, while simultaneously warning us the people could also be duped into destroying themselves by those same elected officials. Citizens who advocate repeal of the system America was founded on, as a solution to abuse of power by elected officials, are playing right into the hands of those abusive elected officials. That is precisely why abusive elected officials want the people to know as little about the system as possible. It seems the younger the citizen, the less they know about the system that makes America so great. Many could learn a lot from these old veterans if they had a mind to ask.
  12. So you two youngsters would like to tell him he's wrong about the United States being the greatest country ever to exist on this earth? It's youngsters like you that break his heart. You guys just proved my point. WWII vets fought for freedom and liberty. They have seen the decline of both in this land ever since. It's not political. It's societal. If either of you chooses not to hear what these vets have to say, you are the crazy ones. If silencing the truth is normal, normal can take a hike.
  13. My uncle is going to be 95 and served in the Navy during WWII and was called up for Korea as well. He was a fireman in the NYFD and retired a battalion commander in the mid 80's. He lives in PA in a home over looking the Delaware River across from Hawk's Nest near Sparrowbush, NY. He lost his wife of 69 years a couple of years ago. He's in great health for his age and lives alone very independently. He was still driving when he was 93, but not any more. He firmly believes he was blessed by God to be born in the United States and that it is the greatest country ever to exist on this earth. He will take on all comers who want to tell him differently with unbridled passion. Sadly, he's finding far too many younger folks who do not agree with him these days and I can see sorrow in his eyes whenever he thinks about what is to become of the land he fought for. The thought of so many of his fellow Americans making the ultimate sacrifice for such ungrateful younger folks breaks his heart. The man actually looks forward to death, so he won't have to bear witness to the future he expects for this country. Meanwhile, we pay homage to past veterans and make each other happy talking about the good old days, when men were men and courage and honor were a virtue.
  14. I only stopped to observe the event in passing, having far too much to do. I pass by the square every day. I'm almost 65 years old now and not going to enter any area where people are taking a chance of getting the virus because too many of them were not following any of the guidelines to prevent it. Not to mention the fact I do not agree with the premise of the protest to begin with. I was there. I saw what was going on and I stand by what I posted. At 1:30 PM everyone was tightly gathered in front of the bandstand trying to hear the speakers on the platform. These pictures must have been screened in advance to put a good face on the event, because what I saw going on there was very different. I hope someone else took some pictures of the event when it was in full swing, because it was far from what these pics show. You can also tell from the long shadows in the pics they were obviously taken around 3PM, which is when the event ended and most had already left the square to stand on the street. The entire issue is one of selective enforcement of the lock down. I mentioned all of the sacrifices forced on everyone by the government based on essential vs. non-essential activity. Then I see the government allowing what has to be the least essential, and most politically partisan thing, I can imagine at this particular time. It makes the entire lock down strategy look like a joke. It's quite obvious the government is now dictating which rights can be exercised and which cannot. This protest took place right in front of a church that is still not allowed to open to have services using the same preventative measures allowed at this protest. I wonder if a permit would be approved to hold a Trump rally on the square next Saturday. I have to say, I'm not surprised to see so many people in this county supporting a leftist agenda item that has no basis in fact, analysis, scientific data or statistics and has been proven false by many experts for many years. Just proves these folks believe what they are told to believe and cannot think for themselves, including whether it would be safe to have such a protest.
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