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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. My brother has taken a lot of deer with his T/C Contender Super 14 in .44 mag with a Leupold 1.5 x 5 scope. It has a 14 in barrel. Many were between 100 and 125 yards in the field he hunts on his land. Not sure of the bullet he uses, but believe its just a 240 grain soft point. None of them ever made it out of the field. I took a deer at 110 yards with a Marlin 1894 in .44 mag and another at 75 with a Ruger .44 mag carbine. The cartridge has the energy to do the job at 100 yards. A .45 ACP in a handgun has a lot less energy at 100 yards and drops more. Not sure I would shoot over 50 yards with one.
  2. You would need 100 people at $20 each. They go for over $2000
  3. Stealing a firearm should carry a very severe federal penalty, say a felony with 10 years in prison.
  4. This is just another game by a leftist trying make Trump look bad to clueless, uninformed Democrat voters.
  5. Stay away from hollow points. You need penetration on deer. A friend of mine use to hunt with his .45 ACP using some 200 gr jacketed soft points. He usually kept his shots under 25 yards too. None of his rounds ever went completely through the deer, but did get into the boiler room without fail.
  6. Don't assume it was another sportsman. Thieves are known to hang around places where hunters are, just hoping for an easy change to steal a firearm. It's one of the easiest things a thief can sell for big money. Always make sure your gun is secured, and always assume someone is watching you and your gun.
  7. I would guess that fox has rabies in the early stages.
  8. People who hate Trump, in spite of all the positive things he's accomplished since being sworn in, are suffering from a psychosis and need professional help. Before anyone starts asking, "What things?", Google "Trumps accomplishments" first and educate yourself. That saves me a lot of time.
  9. Well, it was a couple of weeks late, but it just came through on my flip phone. I feel much safer now. Did it take that long to get to me, or was it just sent out today? LOL!
  10. She's a major part of a leftist conspiracy to prevent Kavanaugh from being confirmed, in order to eliminate any possibility of a threat to abortion or the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Anyone who believes her lies isn't looking at all the facts.
  11. Sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope the rifle brings you some comfort every time you use it.
  12. That was uncalled for and lacks any element of civil debate. When you have no facts to counter the opinion in a civil manner, ad hominem attacks simply prove you have already conceded defeat and lost the debate. He was alluding to kids living at their parents home with cars paid for by the daddies, complaining how tough life is.
  13. Been up since 4 AM. Coffee and oatmeal down. Out the door I go. I love not having to drive anywhere. Let the game beware.
  14. So? NY has lots of them, but a lot of them are leaving. Unless they need to stay there to keep making money they leave. Real Estate values are way up, but so are the taxes they pay on that real estate. Selling that million dollar home in Queens, buys you a bigger and newer home in the Carolinas for half the price and 1/4 the tax. So you can put $500,000 in the bank and save money every year after that. NY State is considered one of the worst, if not the worst state to retire in.
  15. My oldest hunting binocs are Jason Permafocus 7x35 porro prism with armor coating. I still use them for most of my hunting on a chest harness. Got them over 30 years ago. Real fast to use and very clear. Splurged for a quality set of porro prism Baush & Lomb Elites in 8x40, back in the early 2000's and paid about $850 for them. They're unbelievable quality and used them glassing Elk out west at the time. Never needed any more than these for anything. I picked up a pair of quick focus Jason 8x40 poro prism binocs somewhere along the line. I use them for bird watching and checking the targets at the deer camp home. Not sure where I got them or what they cost, but they are real clear and great to have around. Not high dollar so no worries. Recently purchased a pair of roof prism Bushnell Permafocus binocs in 10x40 to keep in the truck. Handy to use, fast and clear. I think they were about $100. About a month ago, I was considering a new pair of binocs to use for most of my hunting. I looked into Styrka binocs. I got the roof prism S5 8x32's. They're dark green, rubber armored, compact, handle well, real clear and come with a lifetime warranty, free annual cleaning and checkups. They cost just shy of $250. I'm impressed with them, even though they are actually made in China. I think Styrka may become one of the big names in optics very soon.
  16. Unless you are a business that can write the expenses off your taxes, a lease is not a good idea. Leasing, which is really renting, always costs more. You pay a higher interest rate on a lease, because it is still figured as a loan you are paying back. That high interest rate isn't as easily seen by the buyer, because it's hidden in the contract. Ask what it is and they must tell you. Some leases require big up front payments also. All leases have contingencies to add fees when the vehicle is returned. Extra mileage is often .25 per mile. Any little dings or scratches can be assessed at huge costs to repair. If you choose to buy it at the end of the lease, it will cost more than what it would have cost if you had paid the lease payments towards purchasing it at the beginning. Plus they can still require you to pay for all of the repairs before you can buy it out right. The purchase price at the end of a lease will always be the top KBB price for that make and model. Full coverage insurance is required on a leased vehicle, where it isn't required on one you own without a loan. Maintenance is usually not required on a new vehicle during the first 36,000 miles or more, and is often covered by the warranty if it is not regular maintenance like oil changes, but those costs are figured into all leases. Car dealers are not your friends. They want as much of your money as you will give them. The lure of paying less per month for a car is inguineuously blended in to the costs in a lease contract. You are paying a price for any convenience you believe you are getting with a lease. At the end of a lease, you have nothing to show for it and if you figure the total cost per mile paid for the lease at that time, you will not want to lease a vehicle again. Buy a car you can afford, and save money. Eventually you will have saved enough to buy a more expensive car.
  17. I know a couple of 20ish kids who never went to college. One is a plumber and is doing very well. One works on helicopters and travels the country with the salespeople. One girl is a nurse working as a unit manager. (Nursing school is not leftist indoctrination college) One young man is a diesel mechanic making $30 per hour. One is a carpenter starting his own home improvement business. One is a body shop guy. One is a corrections officer. One is an Airman in the Air Force. One drives trucks in Alaska. One is a welder and one does tattoos. All of these people are living on their own and chasing the American dream. None of them votes for Democrats either.
  18. She's a leftist progressive that hates Trump. She wore a pink pussy hat while protesting. Her students tell us she is a flaming feminist and abortion activist. She has tons of leftist connections and every motive to want Kavanaugh destroyed. Her credibility about flying is zero, since it has been proven she will fly to go just about anywhere but a DC Senate hearing to testify, because she wants to stall the confirmation. People who have had her as their professor in California say she was using a made up voice while testifying to sound like a frail little teenage girl. Apparently, when you get on the wrong side of her as one of her students, she is overtly bombastic in her tirades against your opposing opinion. I have no sympathy for her at all, because she is a bald faced liar.
  19. Have you always been afraid to fly? Yes. Are you still afraid to fly? Yes. Do you fly often? Yes. Do you lie about being afraid of flying? Yes. You're a liar then? Yes.
  20. That's true. 2 million millionaires leave NY and are replaced by 2.2 million welfare queens. That's why NY state's total tax revue collections are down and it's total social expenses are up.
  21. I will be out on the opener for a few hours in the morning and a couple in the evening. May do the same all week if the weather is nice.
  22. If you use TruBall slugs in a smooth bore, you may be very surprised how accurate they are. If you use a rifled choke tube, you may find very good accuracy from it too. If you shoot a 3" slug from a 4 lb 12 gauge, that's gonna leave a mark.
  23. Not sure why you ask. Although not in the "ready to fire" mode, the 03 could be topped off without a problem. So could the Thompson, 1911 an M2 .50 cal. None but the 1911 were ready to fire when doing so. The Garand certainly wasn't ready to fire when loaded at any time. The M1 carbine could be ready to fire when topped off with a new mag. Advantage, M1 Carbine.
  24. This is what should be done to see what is truth and what is perjury. Kavanaugh deserves to have his name cleared with facts.
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