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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. the blur

    Deer Tracks

    Do you ever follow tracks in the snow while hunting ? I never bothered, as I know they easily travel, where I would be winded after 1/2 mile in the snow.
  2. Did all the snow melt off? Was there flooding ?? I haven't seen anything in the news lately ......
  3. I've seen deer jump 6' fences without effort. They go where the food is, fence or no fence. The hunting range would need a 15' fence to keep deer inside.
  4. And people think you walk into the woods, shoot a deer, and walk out. Little do they know, it's the most challenging sport I have ever done. My wife calls it wasting time.
  5. That's what they do in Vermont; where snowmobiling is BIG.
  6. OK, we have 2 deer OBGYN on call. Now I know where to go for deer help. I hope their is money in that field. I can see the cow OBGYN making money, but deer, not so sure there is a need. At least not in NY.
  7. Come on, even with the safe act, they don't take away your guns for any illegal activity ????
  8. You guys Deer Doctors now ?? Or deer OBGYN your specialty ??
  9. So, if your name is on that list, do you get your hunting license revoked ???
  10. 1st light is 6am November 15th. By the end of the season 1st light was 6:15am.
  11. Poaching is beyond a criminal. You would have to think about it whenever you open the freezer door. Every time you see the poached trophy on the wall. Speeding means you just got their faster. Poaching means you killed sometime illegally. Big big difference. Which is why I have no deer this season, and I could have easily shot 10 deer from the road. Every freakin deer I saw would have made me a road hunter. I just couldn't do it. But I sped home at 80 MPH, with my radar detector. And I proud to say, I'm an ethical hunter. And fast driver. That's just me. You guys do what's right for you.
  12. I don't want to trip & fall over a branch, and crack my head. So I wait until 1st light to walk in.
  13. If you speed, you're a speeder. If you shoot early, you're a POACHER. I'm proud to be a speeder. A poacher, I wouldn't be so proud, but I wouldn't be hungry. And damn, I'm hungry this season
  14. I see don't see the difference between carrying my .30-06 with 1 round in the chamber, and a MZ. Except no smoke !!
  15. BTW, they did arrest husband & wife taggers a few years ago.
  16. Eric needs to understand what he is thinking of is POACHING. The only legal way (that I know of) to get 2 bucks during rifle is: Get a big buck, and then get a little button buck, and slap your DMP on him. Wala: 2 bucks.
  17. I saw no deer in the woods. They all are road side.
  18. Did not see 1 deer in the woods. They are all living within 500' of the road. I saw 20 deer from the road. I screamed at them. GET BACK IN THE WOODS !!!! where I can blast you. But they didn't listen. Now I know why people road hunt. I wanted to stop, and load my rifle so many times !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I'm joining you at burger king. I'm fed up, disgusted with this "hobby". Too many days in to count. And I see 6 doe driving home tonight at 4:30pm. (last minute of rifle season) I legally had tags for 3 of them. I could have stopped the car, loaded my rifle, and shot them. The only problem is I would have been trespassing. Otherwise, I don't think it would have been illegal to stop, load, and shoot. The land wasn't posted either. It was a cut farm field off exit 119. 3M, all the does are yarded up, and not spooked any more.
  20. Same thing happened to me when I got my 1st deer. 2 local guys heard the shot, and came over to investigate. My hands were still trembling, it was obvious I had no idea WTF I was doing, my heart was still pounding. 1 guy was not happy, but the other guy grabbed his knife and did 80% of the work, while showing me what to do. I couldn't thank them enough, and they went back down hill. Then I'm dragging up hill, and yet another guy comes along, and helps me with the drag !!! Sometimes state land is not all the bad
  21. Crunching leaves, and frozen snow is probably just as effective as pots & pans.
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