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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. It was warm out Sat & Sun. Was the meat still good ? Although, he may have been alive through the night, and probably just expired when you found him.
  2. I rather shot it 4 times, than be tracking it for 6 hours.
  3. Turn them in, then bail them out. problem solved.
  4. I feel they want to reduce the population as much as possible. They also take into account all the poachers, and non-reporters.
  5. I am always amazed by bears. They can survive on anything, from berries, to game animals, to deer guts, to garbage, to anything what so ever. That has always fascinated me. I don't think there is another creature that can very their diet so much.
  6. I want to know how they got it up on the quad.
  7. How is Deserto's? Does he have a freezer box ? or carcus fridge. Does he do mounts? I went to my local processor today, 60 degrees outside, he has 20 deer laying outside, waiting to be butchered !!! I figure 1/2 the meat will be spoiled rotten by the time he processes them all. Even with 6 guys butchering deer, each deer is laying in the 60 degree weather for at least a few hours. He couldn't process them fast enough. What do you guys do with opening weekend being so warm outside ??
  8. What are you talking about?? 1st shot hits the deer, you're tracking it, while I'm shooting it again, and again, until it's dead. I'm not letting it run, and me running after it. Any clean miss, the deer is likely running away, and it's gone after the 1st miss. I think, your not just understanding what I wrote.
  9. My deer was a bang flop. .243 Just fell over. Done. He was flailing around on the ground, so I took 3 more shots just so he never got up again. Especially after reading all the horror stories, I was not about to go tracking a deer. I walk over, finally find him, after I walked past him 3 times. The brown blends in so well. Only 1 entry and EXIT wound. My 3 follow up shots missed. My hands were shaking, my heart pounding. At least the .243 did it's job. The exit wound was 3 inches. I'm glad I put in range time. I was concerned about 100gr ammo, and nothing special ammo. No partitions, just cheap basic ammo, but I liked the grouping at 100 yards. So I went with it.
  10. The poaching must be stopped. Tell them you will not tolerate it. Threaten them with DEC action. Taking small deer legally, is OK for 1st time hunters. Or for people who don't have many deer. Shooting the deer 3 times, I have no problem with that if it's legal. Tracking a deer is worse than shooting it 3 times.
  11. I like the full moon. I can walk in, in the dark, no flashlight.
  12. There is no way anyone goes out 100% scent free. It's impossible. Then your crunching leaves on the way in. Cracking your knuckles while sitting. Playing with your phone. Zippering your back pack. Rubbing your pants again the seat. Your jacket making noise against the tree. It's impossible to be quiet. This is a game a luck, and hopefully the orange army pushes something your way.
  13. What's your average walk in ? 1 mile or more ??
  14. They always make the news. It's in December.
  15. I have the Samsung S4. I need a good app that will get me out of the woods. Google maps doesn't really do it for the deep woods. Any recommendations ?
  16. I hunt state park land, and opening weekend, there are usually a lot of cars. But after that, very very few. Like 2 or 3 at most. I'm surprised to learn there are opening weekend hunters, and then they are done. Either they are tagged out, or just give up hope. What do you guys do ?
  17. Some of those videos are a bit extreme. All he had to do is say he's a US citizen, and drive off. I need a video to avoid being searched. I don't want any cop going though my car.
  18. How do you handle a cop that wants to search your vehicle ? That would be very informative.
  19. Those pictures in the news cause serious damage to our reputation.
  20. That must of all happened in the past week. I drove the same route last weekend, and saw 1 road kill.
  21. I found 2 on me, at 45 degrees outside. I thought the cool nights would have made the ticks dormant by now.
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