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the blur

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. I just Googled Rynoskin. Looks like the light weight - skin tight under armour. Similar to the summer weight. I can't imagine it being any thing else. Else, if you look at the Rynoskin web site. Their English is poor. The pictures are not impressive. I'm not sure what to think.
  2. I tend not to believe that. I feel they will all be yarding up pretty soon. And with the amount of coyotes running around, fawns won't survive by themselves.
  3. I'm surprised to hear that. Maybe yours eat too much chicken feed.
  4. No tag, no permit, call the dec.
  5. Chickens eat ticks. If I had the property, I would have a few chickens running around.
  6. I tried it once. Did nothing. I also tried those incents, and they stink from high hell. No luck with those either, except my back pack is ruined.
  7. The east end of Long Island is infested with deer and ticks, and Lyme. Not to mention car damage. They say there is more deer on Long Island, than in certain parts of NYS. No one wants them, they are basically tame. They eat off your front lawn as your driving in your driveway. Seeing an arrow in a deer would not surprise me this time of year. So I'm sure the story is true. My friend in Port Jeff wants me to eradicate his deer problem, but there are other houses within 500', so I'd never consider it. In fact, they are trying to change the 500' law to 250', but even 250' will not help when houses are 100' apart. As far as that injured deer, the OP should be happy if the deer is "removed." They are a nuisance in Port Jeff, and many other eastern areas of LI.
  8. There are so many deer & ticks on eastern long island, no one would really care. They would promote poaching, and people would be happy. Now if you go upstate, people have been arrested for 'giving' away their buck tag.
  9. My son went camping, and I got 2 ticks. He brought them home on his back pack.
  10. Have you guys seen any movement at all ? I haven't seen anything, nothing in the woods, no road kill, no scrapes, nothing to speak of really, except 1 pile of droppings. Maybe it's just too warm.
  11. That is the problem with state parks. 10 zillion people hiking, rock climbing, with little kids making too much noise. Also, the parking lots fill up with cars very early. I have been hunting state parks for 10 years, and never taken a deer. One park I hunt, they just cut a trail though my favorite rock ledge. The other park I hunt, they just did a controlled burn. I am really looking for a new place to hunt.
  12. I sprayed my jeans, and boots. Came out of the woods with a tick crawling up my arm. And it was 45 degrees out. I didn't think the ticks would be active.
  13. Last time I went to the Bronx zoo, they have black squirrel's running around.
  14. I scouted there for the last 2 weeks. No sign at all. No scraps, no rubs, no scat. Nothing. I need a new place to hunt.
  15. I was scouting this weekend. No deer, no scraps, no scat. But I got a deer tick, and it was 45 degrees out. I sprayed my pants and boots with permathin, and this tick was crawling up my arm. So next time, I need to spray my upper body too. I have no idea how this little bugger got on my arm. I must of been leaning against a tree.
  16. That explains me perfectly !!! When I get home tonight, I'll be snacking before dinner, and while my wife is cooking me dinner. Then I'll eat all her left overs. Then a few hours later, I'll be back in the fridge. It's amazing I'm only 210 lbs.
  17. 1000 snacks a day. I am always in the fridge. Seriously. When I'm home, I'm constantly eating. When I'm at work, I typically eat a lunch, and maybe 1 or 2 snacks. My wife hates me for the fact I can eat all weekend long, and only be 210 lbs. Peanuts, slices of cheese, grapes, strawberries, etc, etc. Whatever I find to much on.
  18. That was my theory too. So even if I lost another 20 lbs by exercise, or starving myself. My body will eventually level back out, at it's desired 210 lbs. I'm 50yo, 6'2" I'd definitely like to be 190 lbs.
  19. All you fitness guru's, please explain this. 3 years ago, my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic, and have high blood pressure. So I stopped drinking Snapple. Stopped adding sugar to my coffee. And I cut down on carbs, by 50%. I magically lost 30 lbs in a few months. WOW, that was easy, without exercise ! Still till this very day, I do not drink Snapple, No more sugar in coffee, and I try to eat low carbs. But 15 of the 30 lbs came back on !! WHY !!!!!!!!!!!! ??????????????
  20. Walking is a must for me !!! Not useless at all. I sit at a desk all day, then expect to walk 2 miles in the woods loaded down. I know what's going to happen. That's why I started walking 5 nights a week, at least 1 mile. I went scouting last weekend, 5 miles. Not one sign of deer. But I was hurting for 2 days afterwards. So I'm going to do more scouting this weekend. This way I'll be a little more ready when I'm walking in opening day. 10 lb pack, 9 lb rifle. Heavy clothes. Any incline I'll be huffing and puffing.
  21. I started walking with my 800gm hunting boots. I didn't realize, but my GPS shows I'm going .3 mph slower with my boots, than with my sneakers.
  22. I grew up in Sullivan county. Never once did I get a tick. I moved out of the area many years ago, but I got to wonder if ticks invaded Sullivan county yet.
  23. After being shot, in your experience, do deer run up hill, or down hill ? I'm curious.
  24. What areas are you from, and what elevations ? I just scouted in really high elevations around Ellenville. And I didn't see any ticks. But these ant like spiders kept jumping on me.
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