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the blur

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by the blur

  1. I once had a sling break. Gun was over my shoulder, sling broke, and gun dropped to the ground, bounced around a few times. good thing safety was on. I went to the range after hunting season was over, gun was right on. Scope didn't move a bit.
  2. My father died in my arms. It was terrible, but expected... in a hospital bed. At least your Dad went out with dignity. Still sucks. I still cry.
  3. Rifle too big. 90% of hunters have ridiculous calibers for a little deer. I downsized to a 7mm-08. & .243 Depending on the day. I can sit at the range all day, and I know you can't with whatever ridiculous caliber you are using.
  4. Can you imagine 800 people working, instead of collecting welfare, & food stamps. 800 people paying property taxes, 800 people shopping, spending money in their local towns. But clothes, cars, food, guns, ammo. 800 people paying sales tax, federal tax, SS tax !!! An economy thriving in IN because of Trump. can you imagine that !!!! Most liberals can't wrap their heads around this concept.
  5. Be real, hunters are shooting people. Hunters are shooting DEC officers, Hunters are shooting dogs. Do you think they will pass on anything what so ever ????????????????
  6. I just learned, a Nosler Partition is designed to fragment, and leave shards of lead. I found lead pieces in the exit wound of my last animal.
  7. I'm surprised he ran 50 yards from the .243. They usually fall over dead.
  8. I can easily pick out someone just wearing an orange hat. It just stands out.
  9. the blur


    I saw a fresh one Saturday.
  10. What percentage of hunters carry a flask ???
  11. Time for making an advanced safety class. Hunter Ed 102: Write 100 times. "Don't shoot at orange" Then have a picture of a deer & a human being.
  12. Most of these accidents are members of the hunting party. Seems like it's time to hunt alone.
  13. I'm considering buying full orange blaze. Head to toe.
  14. Set up a drive. Push em out. In fact, I'll help you !! Just don't shoot at orange.
  15. Most of these articles are void of information. Clothes. Orange? Private land, public land ? Alcohol ? Brain dead shooter ?
  16. http://13wham.com/news/top-stories/reports-female-hunter-shot-in-caledonia
  17. And another hunter was just shot. WTF. In NY too. Most people need to go back to hunter safety class.
  18. It's interesting someone would use a tag on a fawn.
  19. 100 acre is good for 10 guys.
  20. http://www.newsday.com/news/region-state/man-mistakes-father-for-deer-kills-him-during-thanksgiving-day-hunt-cops-say-1.12667550 I'm sorry, there is no resemblance between man & deer. Absolutely just NONE. Throw away the key.
  21. I always see signs on the side of the road upstate. "Deer cut". Haven't tried any of them yet.
  22. I heard 2) 11 pointers taken of state land in AR zone. It's obviously working as intended. Both were verified by the DEC.
  23. I'm considering getting a x bow. How far do deer typically run? Similar to a bow, or similar to a rifle hit ?
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