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Posts posted by cloke

  1. Hunted nj for the first time on dec 6 which was the opening day for gun and their 1st bear hunt in 5yrs, well i jumped on the opportunity. Got in position by 615 and within half hour had a bear run in and stopped in front but behind some dead falls so didnt risk it,hang around till 11 cause couldnt take the wind anymore my feet froze went to warm up and ate, came back on stand at 130ish and continued to freeze my pawls off til 437 when this bad boy presented its self at 50 yards which ended in with a quick kill, didnt run more than 25 yards in the thickest ish and within seconds heard his death moan which put me at ease to go in there and retreive him at last light and into total darkness and then to get him out was  :-[ >:) ??? :'(  yea no JOKE!~

    It took 3 of us and almost 2 hours but ending in a dream come true, im still bugging.

    He was harvested in zone3 at wawayanda state park and weighed 265#



  2. Whats up everyone new member on board just wanted to share my hunting notes for the opener of 2010. Opening day saw 8 deer which one was a decent basket 6pt chasing a doe at full throttle around 145, I stay out from dark to dark on opening days. On sunday i decided to go to a different spot and which would also be my first time hunting out of my new ladder stand which is set up on top of a deep ditch. I was on stand by 545 saw 2 deer running around 630 then saw 3 does about an hour later which i wont shoot until later in season, then at 810 heard something to my back of my left side which is perfect for a right handed shooter and saw another doe moving at a steady pace, then saw movement from the corner of my eye about 40 yards behind her which couldnt see what it was right away after a few seconds there he apeard with some nice head gear, which i imediatley aimed my 7mm and droped him on the spot. He's a 6pt that was taken in 4g in schoharie county that dressed at 1

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