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Posts posted by buffalojay83

  1. Had a Fisher cat run right up to the base of my tree stand this am. He had his front two paws on the bottom step of my climbing sticks. I waved at him. He showed me his teeth. I showed him my crossbow. He reluctantly trotted off.

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  2. I'm fuming! Just blew I chance on a buck, by breaking my attention to what I was doing at the critical time. I'm not sure exactly what he had on his head, but from the size of the body he was a fully mature buck.
    After brush hogging  and climbing up in my tractor bucket to chainsaw branches away from stands today, and taking care of chores at the house, I decided to spend the last couple hours in my elevated half house. I had a really good view in all directions since brush hogging, but the fog rolled in making it tough to see after 4pm. From past experiences I knew deer like to sneak around when it is like this. At 4:30 I got a text from my wife telling me my daughter and grandson were on their way, and asking what we might like to so for dinner when they get here.
    As I'm now responding to her text, I just happened to look up and catching me totally off guard here comes a buck walking into the same area the little spike traveled this morning. Totally broadside, I quick put the phone down stand and pick up my rifle. I put the scope on him and what the hell, I can't see through the scope. It was all fogged up! I grab a piece of toilet paper out of my pocket that I keep to wipe my glasses and scope, and wipe the lens. The buck still walking as if on a mission is not giving me any time to fool around. Just as I go to put the scope back on him, he obviously either saw me or got the vibe something was up and started running into the goldenrod. If I had been freaking paying attention instead of texting, I would have seen him coming from quite a  bit further away and would have had time to get straight by the time he was broadside to me. Urgghhh!
    NOTE to self: No more texting during peak times, and I need to finish this blind. My elevated blind is really big, 8x8, sort of on accident, and with the exception of the back wall and a monster sized window in the front wall, all the rest of the wall space is open from about 40 inches height to the roof. They clearly can see me up there moving around getting in position.
    Anybody know a good divorce lawyer lol

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  3. Saw two big doe in our large cut grass field this am, then a small fork walked up to my tree and ate some apples then walked off. Then two fawns run up to my stand and grazed a little. About half hour later a buck came down their trail but didn't come over the property line. Then another bugger buck did the same thing. Then I heard shots on my neighbor's land lol. Bunch of shots so hopefully he missed.

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  4. Grunted the buck in at 8am and shot the doe around 9. Perfect shot on him, he dies within 50yds. Shot ended up being liver on her, gave her three hours, came down from my stand and she was within eyesight, around 60ish yds. She's laying flopped on her side. She gets up and walks off slowly. Caught up with her later about 200yds away bed down eventually after getting permission from the neighbor. What a guy! He came out on his side by side, distracted her while I snuck up on her and put another bolt through her heart. She excited shortly after. Then he helped me load her up, drove us back to my truck and helped me gut her and load her in my truck. I couldn't be more thankful to that neighbor, he went way above and beyond. Truly an ambassador of the sport.PXL_20221114_180030888.jpgPXL_20221114_191441054.jpgPXL_20221114_221434554.jpg


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  5. Screenshot_20221116-161321_Chrome.thumb.jpg.19dc34b549e7a0b72d4fd7b8d7252667.jpg
    Have one of these on each of my stands . Insisted my buddy put one of these on his stands same with the son.  Told them if I came up on them and they weren't using it they were going to take their stands home and were done for the season.
    Fell once many years ago . Wasn't very far up but the screw in steps opened me up from knee to groin and up my torso to my arm pit.
    Glad your ok .  I strongly recommend  the safety rope as it protects all the time to  your in the stand and ground 
    I have these in all my stands. This morning I fell too when stepping down to the top of the bottom climbing stick. Probably only like 6ish ft but thank God it felt like I landed on a little of pillows. It was slippery and the route and prussick know were wet. The only thing I cleary remember is hearing prussick knot that's attached to my harness just going, "zzzzzzzz" all the way down. I thank the good Lord and many break falls in bjj and judo

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