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  1. Btw if you want to make the rules so that nobody can disgree with you or they will be kicked off for no reason post those rules on here and i will not say another word . Next time before you go psycho on here . I did not say anything bad about you . And you broke your own rules i was never warmed Of anything . Im not going to respond anymore to this thread . And i expect a apology from you . Im done talking .
  2. The crossbow does not fit into the category of archery equipment. It has a stock, cheek plate, trigger, and rifle style sights. The crossbow can be fitted with a telescopic sight, carried cocked, shot out of a vehicle window, and has an average effective range of 69 yards (Marlow Report). The argument that bowhunters do not want to share the woods with anyone is totally untrue. Technical improvements in modern archery equipment make bowhunting accessible to almost everyone but the severely handicapped. The bowhunting season is not a closed season. Anyone who wishes to accept the challenge and complete the necessary education course may take part.
  3. Seems like you cant disgree with the moderators on here or they kick you off for know reason . So this thread is worthless .
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