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Everything posted by stubborn1VT

  1. 1/2" per inch of circumference at breast height. If over 50" dilute in 2 gallons of water vs one gallon recommended for smaller trees. Hope this helps.
  2. Yes. You are either using the wrong rate or the wrong product. As stated above, Nomad is treating his trees for less than $12. Most products are meant to be diluted. I would have to be there to see what you're doing wrong.
  3. You're talking about bullet failure, not caliber. I never suggested using .243 for bears. I agree a larger caliber is more forgiving, but a .243 is plenty for deer. The ribs are the size of a pie plate or bigger.
  4. It's a simple question of hitting vitals I think you mean. If she had hit lungs you would have found that deer, even with no blood trail. I'd put money on it. I get what you're saying about a bigger hole, but it's not the caliber's fault if she didn't make the shot.
  5. Thanks guys. Cabin could be right about my buddy's cams. He may have gotten mad and not tried to figure things out. The issue with mine is that they stop taking pictures, even with full battery. It has something to do with the battery tray not making contact I think. I had 3 and now none are working. No big deal. Maybe got some bad units. Maybe they reached their life expectancy/expiration date. I was pleased with them when they worked, but now I'm not sure I would buy any more.
  6. Fair point. Congrats to those who were successful today. Heck, congrats to those to made it out. I'm stuck home with a full freezer and no buck tag. Nothing better to do then clutter up this thread.
  7. I shot them for years and shot great groups. One year in the early 2000s I bought a new box of my usual 150 grains and couldn't get them to group. I was mad and a little worried. I ran to Walmart and grabbed a box of 150 grain Federals and put the first 3 or 4 rounds in a 1.5" orange sticker at 100ish yards. I have shot blue box Federals since then. It simply could have been a bad box of Coreloks, but then I have heard about numerous primer problems with Remington ammo. My local gun shop also had complaints about their newer guns so...
  8. I had good luck with Coreloks back in the day, but they changed. Between one season and the next they wouldn't shoot out of rifle. Been shooting Federals ever since.
  9. I shoot a 7mm Rem Mag. I have no problem with recoil, or logic. The .243 is a deer killer. You should quit while you're way behind, put predict you won't.
  10. Yes. It was my grandfather's field gun. He passed in October. I wasn't ready to use it this November, but I will be next fall.
  11. Oh please. Stop copying Greg. As you pointed out a .22 will do the job if you hit them in the right spot. Stop blaming the tool instead of the carpenter. The only reason the recovery rate of a .243 would be lower is that it is often used by new/ inexperienced hunters. That should reflect on the hunter and not the caliber. In the hands of a capable marksman and hunter, a .243 will kill deer as well as many others. I intend to take a deer next fall with a .250 Savage -essentially the same as a .243. I have full confidence that a 100 grain soft point will do the job.
  12. I feel dumber just from reading this. A 100 grain bullet with a muzzle velocity of 3100fps creating 2100 ft/lbs? Somehow that isn't enough to reliably kill deer, but it also has devastating results on meat (which deer are made of). Based on physics, math, logic ,personal experience it makes no sense to me. Not a thing wrong with a 30-30, but don't pretend it's superior to a .243 or that a person can't make a poor shot with either one.
  13. Per Nomad: $350/30 trees = $11.66 per tree. Pretty close.
  14. Just curious what everyone's experience with the Tasco trail cameras that Walmart sells. I bought 3 a couple years back ans was impressed at first. Since then they have all failed. I know you get what you pay for, but I see folks on here that swear by them. I told my buddy about them. He bought 2 and was mightily pizzed when neither one would take pictures. Mine seems to have issues with the battery container/tray making contact. I've checked them all for corrosion and found none. I have blamed it on cheap batteries, but this year they won't work consistently with better batteries. Any insight? When they worked I was thrilled with them. It is an awful feeling to check a camera that has been "soaking" for a month only to find out it isn't functioning. I can afford better cameras and do own a handful of Brownings and Bushnells that have been mostly flawless. There are certain situations and areas where a cheapo camera comes in handy though. I guess I'm thinking about stuff like this since my season has been over for a couple weeks. With two deer in the freezer and no buck tag I'm not motivated to hunt. My brain has moved on to next year's plots, stands, brush blinds, mock scrapes and cameras. Any input is appreciated. Sorry for the long post.
  15. That's some impressive mileage, especially for an AWD. I'm somewhat surprised by the MPG of some of the hybrids. My girlfriend's Subaru AWD gets 30+mpg, so not a huge difference.
  16. Well put. I was mostly joking. My apologies.
  17. Unbunch your drawers. Your science sounded pretty weak to me. A 50mm doesn't cost "all that money". I was mostly just messing with you because your first post made zero sense to me. You're probably correct in your second post, but I don't see how it can be true. It also makes no difference to me, but you laid out (poorly explained) scientific facts to show there is no benefit to a 50mm objective. That seems pretty anti to me.
  18. You're a good sport either way Mowin. Awfully decent of you. Kayden has had himself a year! Seems like you are a good guy to hunt around!
  19. Hope you run into one TF. I would say you've earned on at this point. A man can not subsist on beer alone...
  20. It differs between areas based on what food is already available. It took 4 years for them to really eat them at my house, but all it takes is one doe family group to start using them. Lots of upside to turnips. They're cheap, easy to plant, make decent tonnage, stand up to cold weather and they're good for the soil. But if your deer won't eat them then they kinda suck. I've had deer in mine during daylight almost every evening this month.
  21. Hunting aint easy. Just ask Cabin Fever. (Don't ask Hock3y24.)
  22. So what you're telling me is that you are anti 50mm because "science" sorta, half remembered. (You can just say you don't like the way they look.)
  23. My sister started hunting about 5 years back. Last year she got a little doe with the muzzleloader. This year she shot her first buck on opening day, a solid 8 pointer. She's a mom to 2 daughters and has one granddaughter.
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