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Everything posted by buffalojim

  1. Hey all. Looking for recommendations for a utility trailer to pull behind the quad. Been researching online and came up with a few options. Would be using it dual purpose. First would be to "hopefully" pull deer out of the woods. And second would be to transport tree stands and food plot supplies. So my brother has one of those Polar poly trailers that that has pulled deer out for years and its great for that but not so sure about transporting tree stands and food plot supplies. I was thinking more on the lines of a flat bed type that would handle both chores better. Either just a frame {make the bed and rails} or something more complete. Option one was a frame from Harbor Freight. The frame seemed to be a bout the right size but the tires didn't seem to be much for off road. Searched around for replacements tires with no luck. Option 2 was a brand new one out from Polar that looked pretty nice. Comes with removable rails to make it in to a flatbed. Fairly pricey. But no reviews anywhere. 3rd option was a model XKD from Cabela's. Reasonably priced with nice tires. Maybe to reasonable.But again, no reviews. Been on Craig's list and nothing fits the bill. Anyone have any experiences with my second 2 options or any other recommendations. Much appreciated
  2. I believe you are correct. Winter rye and cereal rye are one and the same
  3. As for a cover crop for clover. Any preference? Advantages or disadvantages of one or the other? Gonna shoot for a fall planting. Thanks
  4. Very helpful and makes sense with the fruit trees. 25 bags of lime with a bucket won't be fun but I guess its doable. Thanks
  5. Hey all. Getting a plan and supplies together for my first food plot. Any advice greatly appreciated. Here is the plan. Starting small {1/2 acre give or take to start} No heavy equipment access. Soil test done so i know amounts of lime and fertilizer. Pretty heavily wooded area. Hoping to cut trees over a winter thaw. Thinking of renting small dozer to move stumps and debris. Spread lime and fertilizer in spring. Looking at pull behind spreaders for quad. Spray 2 or 3 times for weeds over summer for a fall plant. As for what to plant. Since the property is an hour away from home, looking for something a little lower maintenance. The original plan was to maybe run half a dozen fruit trees down the middle {caged of coarse] and then white clover all around. Fruit trees would go in the spring but not sure how that would work out with the lime and fertilizer. Clover would go late August early September Maybe with a cover crop? Not sure on that one. So any hints or advice greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.
  6. Looking to purchase some fruit trees in the near future for my property in the Southern tier. Franklinville area. Anyone know of a descent nursery? Been doing a ton of googling and research. One I came up with was Schichtels in Springville. Trying to purchase somewhat close to planting area. They actually have an offshoot site for hunters. Anyone have any dealings with these folks? Wondering if its just hype or not. Have a few ideas for what trees but if anyone would like to chime in on that, please feel free. And I know the most important thing is to fence them off. Its first on the list. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  7. Hey all. Have some property outside Franklinville NY and looking for some advice where to find some fertilizer for a small plot {to start]. According to Whitetail Institute, I need 10-10-10 and 0-20-20. The 10-10-10 is easy but where do I find the latter or equivalent? Searched the web with no luck. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks
  8. Looking for an original True Talker. All Black. Pics would be nice
  9. Howdy all. Getting ready to try a small food plot this spring. Got a soil test done from whitetail institute. The first fertilizer they recommend is 6-12-12 and I can't seem to locate any. Lowes has it on there web site but can't order it online. Kind of dumb. Next one is a mix of 10-10-10 and 0-20-20 but can't locate the latter. Any advice on where I might search or any rcomendations for something that's close. Plan on just trying some clover this year. Any help greatly appreciated
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