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Hi Turkeyfeathers,
My name is George S. Wasinsky Jr. My father and I manufactured the Locator Owl call that you mentioned in a post during 2016 sometime. Our company is called "Calls by George." During development back in the 60's he coined the phrase "Who Cooks for you, Who Cooks for You All." We also included that in our packaging as simple instructions in how to use the call. We were the first owl call manufacture in the USA for use in the sport of Turkey Hunting. We sold direct and to the wholsale market as well as to many of the major manufactures in the marketplace today who back then may have repackaged our calls with their own labels. As a youngster it was a priveledge to meet Ben Rogers Lee, Fred Bear, Ted Nugent, Rob Keck and so many others that loved the great outdoors and our natural resources. After many years we transitioned manufacture of the metallic calls to plastic like many others that you see today. I believe we were 1st in the marketplace to change to plastic back then. You will be glad to know that yes my Dad is very much alive and is quite the sportsman and conservationist still today. He still has a great passion for hunting & fishing and works hard as a good steward of the great outdoors.
Take a child hunting or fishing and teach them the love of the great outdoors. I wish you well and God Bless.
George Wasinsky