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  1. Well it turns out i have around 20 knives left. One saving grace is i stoll have my orvis damascus from the 1980 i have never seen another like it it all the years or gun shows and searching ebay. If i didnt have that one knife i would have already posted the others for sale now i have to decide if i eant to start looking for them again. There are a couple i dont know 8f i will ever find again the otbers in time ill find them not sure what to do. Ill call mt brother and talk it over with him
  2. Well i found whats left of my collection ill catalog and post a photo ots worse than i thought havnt seem them in like 7 years ill post a photo tomorrow or sunday
  3. Al whats the knife with the two choke tudes and vet hook and blade never saw that one must be newer a pic would be wonderful
  4. Hello im atskuv brothers i have collected these knives since around 1988 or so they're over 60 bird knives to be collected. I had all on them except a itilian one i saw about 10 years ago on eBay i missed the auction. About 8 years ago most of my collection was stolen. I thought about getting them all again but there are 2 i dont think i could ever replace. If i voild find those 2 i might replace them all again. I have even thought about selling the ones i have left. Im just discouraged right now good luck eith you collection you ogf yo a nice start.
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