got a chance to head out yesterday for a couple of hours before sunset. looks like someone just left as these .22 rounds look pretty fresh.
i wore orange as i was walking in but removed it once i found a spot to sit & scan the area.
forgot my binoculars this trip so i had to use the scope.
tried using my M.A.D. closed reed howler but i don't have the lung capacity to make a decent howl. i could only get a couple of barks & a 1/2 second of an awful howl. i'll have to get another howler with a smaller diameter blow hole as this one is so large all the air is blown out & i can't make a sustained howl.
got excited when i saw some tracks, deer, rabbits & coyote?!
most likely, someones' dog
didn't travel too far, stayed on the yellow SV trail from the nyu apts heading west. will have to try again earlier in the morning next time.