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Posts posted by CapDistPatriot

  1. Shot the oy deer I saw yesterday, a medium sized doe. Normally I would pass on the thing, but spent so much time in stand it was after 3PM I felt like I had to make a move otherwise I would regret it. Have family obligations so cannot get out for the next week. When I was field dressing in the parking area another hunter came by and expressed regret that both he and his GF had passed on her in the morning and they hadn't seen anything since. One of those days I guess.



    • Like 5
  2. 13 hours ago, wolc123 said:

    Knowing that for certain, definitely took out most of the “selfish” hurt from me after loosing one of my best hunting and fishing buddies on opening day of gun season (3) years ago.  

    I know for certain that he is with The Lord Jesus now, because Luke 23:43 was the passage that I opened my “pack Bible” to at random up in my tree stand, right after I got the text of his passing. B5DE6CC1-9201-4E0A-898B-C616861C0A1F.thumb.jpeg.a10179610d028b0d3b93a087800e5fa2.jpeg

    Thank you, I needed this.

    • Like 1
  3. On 7/19/2023 at 5:48 PM, bugsNbows said:

    Yesterday morning about 8:30 am a doe came hauling azz across my lawn… followed closely with a young spike. His nose was glued to the ground. It reminded me of October / November chasing. Not 5 minutes later, another doe came down the hill to my lawn followed by a 6 point velvet buck. He was hanging with her although not quite as heavy as the first buck. Within minutes, here come 4 more young bucks trailing the first. Seems crazy that a hot doe would be running around in mid-July. Very strange to me. 

    You put your location in your profile as N Georgia, hunting location as Steuben County. Where did this incident occur?

    • Like 1
  4. 16 hours ago, wolc123 said:

    I’m in for the last 20 minutes of sun, plus 30.   I noticed lots of deer scat on this little clover plot, on my walk back Sunday evening, so I’m trying to catch one out for an early bite tonight.  I’m not going to be fussy and I am in pure “brown-down” mode. I have two dmp tags and my buck tag left in my wallet.

    It looks like we are having a stretch of perfect carcass-hanging weather, over the next week, and it would be a shame to let an open hook in our insulated garage go unused thru that.  

    I think my odds of a little deer action tonight are ok, because I had to get on the brakes hard to miss a doe just up the road a bit, on my drive home from work just moments ago.  

    Also, a fresh stick of Evercalm arrived in the mail today, so hopefully having that open next to me covers up my scent from those approaching from downwind.  I also treated my rubber boots with a little, prior to my 350 yard walk to this stand.

    Now, if I can just get one of these 2-3/4” 12 ga Hornady SST’s thru a shoulder blade or (3), all will be well.  I don’t have much time for tracking.  


    How do you like the Evercalm? Is it worth the $$$?

  5. 5 hours ago, Nomad said:

    Only thing left out is my rage , and not those goofy broadheads ,either .

    I just did my recertification with the Troopers, did it early but my next is now in five years , hoping I don’t have to jump through the new flaming hoops till it’s up in five years , actually I’m hoping they get spanked hard by then .

    I just cannot wait to hear Thomas's ruling. NY, Cali and now NJ have gone ahead and done EVERY SINGLE THING he said would be inappropriate in his decision. I hope he blazes those cheeks, these arrogant SOB's deserve it.

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    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, loworange88 said:

    Ok.  I can’t read that legal speak.  Anyone with a knack for it, is there a layman’s summary for the key points?  I’ve had my permit since 2010, and was upgraded to no restrictions a few years ago.

    Permit only good for 3 years, mandatory 16 hour live fire course, monthly background checks, cannot carry anywhere and in any business unless they have a sign posted that it is ok to do so. Background checks on ammo sales. Social media screens. You cannot store any weapon in your vehicle unless it is in a firesafe, so if you are hunting and wanna stop at Stewart's for a coffee that is going to cause a problem. Am I leaving anything out guys and gals?

    • Like 1
  7. On 4/27/2022 at 11:08 AM, UpStateRedNeck said:

    Target Sports

    Able Ammo

    Outdoor Limited


    Who else am I forgetting?

    Buffalo bore, ammoforsale.com.

    kirammo.com doesn't even charge sales tax, and carries .35 Remington from time to time, I was able to stock up a couple months ago.

    • Like 1
  8. On 3/21/2022 at 11:11 AM, Belo said:

    do you have some evidence that it wasn't safe and effective? 

    The government's own data, below is a link (about a week behind) that is easy to read boiled down version.



    If you are more inclined to go to the government website (very clunky but I have been in there, the data is all there), here is the link below.



  9. 1 hour ago, DirtTime said:

    Bill, rice has a long shelf life if stored properly, and it's an extremely versatile food source. When food is scarce, worrying about your carb intake shouldn't even be a thought. To add, I don't think people are laughing it off, I think between the news and other social media people are getting sick of hearing it. Especially when they go on the web to discuss the outdoors and are continually bombarded with this topic.


    If one was to put thought into stocking up for the long term, they should be thinking MRE's. Very little effort to heat them up, and they can be eaten cold if needed. Canned goods are somewhat essential, and don't forget - dog and cat food are made to meet specs for human consumption. They taste like crap, but if this is where we're headed, beggars can't be choosers, and it might beat eating your neighbor's cat, dog, or even them.


    A lot of these shortages are left over from the COVID pandemic, and just when things were starting to get back to normal, Putin decided it was a good time to disrupt the world seeing COVID didn't bring on the apocalypse.

    I bought 4 cases off Amazon after the Great Steal. 1 MRE has enough calories for 1 Adult per day. I estimate 4 cases should last about a month and a half for my household.

    • Like 2
  10. On 3/1/2022 at 6:41 AM, Moho81 said:

    I like the bodyguard but can’t compare it to the LCP because I’ve never fired one. For it size the bodyguard fairly accurate and has fed any ammo I gave it. I have medium sized hands and it fits good other than my pinky running out of room.

    If i could change one thing it would would be the trigger pull. It’s pretty heavy. I’m sure it can be done I’ve just never looked into.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I wouldn't do anything to the trigger if you are going to be carrying the gun.

  11. 1 hour ago, turkeyfeathers said:

    Said nope to alarm . No tree surfin today 

    I said same thing. In 4Z the forecast calls for high winds all day, rain all morning, then it subsides 1-3PM, then picks up again from 4PM on, which is when all the action happens. Deer aren't gonna be moving in high winds, much less high winds and heavy rain. 


    Tomorrow is looking to be a masterpiece, however.

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