Good Morning,
I have had several calls from folks wanting to stop by and pick up supplies. Which I appreciate cept the drive is rather long, 1,000 miles.
I/we moved to just east of Athens GA in May 2014. My posistion from Xerox was outsourced august 18 ,my last day was Nov. 17. 2014. I decided to retire,went Galt so to say.
I'm still on gunbroker and ebay as bpbreloading. The original bpb facebook page was locked down. Fb wanted me to prove who I was.
I can still ship inert components to new yorkisstan.
Doing a little shooting,working on a few of my firearms. Other than that ssdd lessothe firearms bans and ny bs. Have meet a few people from ny at the gun club, all formerly held prisoners of new yorkisstan.You have fun!