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  1. Our petition is doing well, including down state, but that is where the antis know they get the most bang for their buck , so we too want to amp it up here, see article and share it! http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/do-you-live-here.html
  2. ALL of our links work, so I don't know what the error message is all about from this site. Type or paste the link into your browser - ALL our links are working! FYI: Always scroll all the way to the bottom on our website to see everything on the page. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/legalizing-dove-hunting-and-keeping-it-legal.html
  3. Note links to 3 reports at the end of this article. Each report contains an interactive map of New York State. Click on each star to read how many mourning doves per hour were observed at that location during the Christmas Bird Count. The table below the map shows the same data. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/mourning-dove-abundance-and-distribution-across-new-york-state.html
  4. There has not been any posts about our petition on this site for NINE MONTHS. Since that time this site probably has acquired some new members who would benefit from a dove hunting season. This post is directed at those new people and others unfamiliar with this matter. In the early 1900’s most states banned wild turkey hunting and around 25 banned mourning dove hunting. Most of these bans were reversed between 1970 and 1995. Today, wild turkey hunting is allowed in 49 states and mourning dove hunting is allowed in 41 states. NY’s first modern wild turkey hunting season was in the fall of 1959; one year after the Legislature granted the Conservation Department the authority to regulate turkey hunting. The Legislature has not however, authorized the DEC to set a mourning dove hunting season. Never the less, there is an interest in dove hunting among some NY hunters and mourning dove populations can indeed sustain hunting in NY. NY Dove Hunting was created because it was apparent an organized entity with a long-term strategical approach was needed. One element of our strategy is our online petition. I am asking persons who are interested in a dove season to sign the online petition at this link: http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/petition.html After you sign the petition we need your help in getting other hunters to sign it as well. Many hunters have already signed our petition. The maps below show a steady upward trajectory of support for dove hunting across the state.
  5. Our 5 Websites (Note each website also has its own social media presences) http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/ http://thebirdhuntingsociety.weebly.com/ http://unitedhuntersofnyc.weebly.com/ http://newjerseysundayhuntingforall.weebly.com/ http://thefoodcentrichunter.weebly.com/ RGS Chapter (Hudson Valley) Fundraiser https://attachment.fbsbx.com/file_download.php?id=1724294747805159&eid=ASu-VZP_4wW3ZSURnC_fw4nIlPnA0DhNocnrqTituG_FCk-h-Q1PemYEnnP6XYzMG98&inline=1&ext=1454491292&hash=ASsZgXR9LXqru5dw
  6. We just learned of an event posted on Facebook to protest a crow hunting contest in NY. Reading the comments within the event, we see someone commenting against the hunting of rails, gallinules, and woodcock. The theme: crows, rails, gallinules, and woodcock is webless migratory game birds, which would also include mourning doves, although they were not mentioned. Another comment pushed against grouse and pheasant hunting, and created the Facebook hash tags grouse lives matter and pheasant lives matter. This is why BIRD HUNTERS need to organize and sign petitions as we ask!
  7. Twenty states have state pheasant stocking programs. Critics of these programs grossly mischaracterize all aspects of them, including how much they cost and who pays for them.This report is specific to NY and is part of a series we (NY Dove Hunting and The Bird Hunting Society) are publishing to provide a realistic perspective about the matter. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/cost-of-reynolds-pheasant-farm-per-hunter.html
  8. Synopsis of The Annual “Joint Budget Hearing – Environmental Conservation.” Every year, state agencies such as the DEC have a hearing regarding how much money they need for the upcoming year’s operations. The DEC, is actually the Environmental Conservation Department, hence Joint Budget Hearing – Environmental Conservation. Other state agencies also have their own Joint Budget Hearings, but Environmental Conservation indicates the DEC. This year the DEC’s hearing is Thursday, January 28, 2016, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. The location is: Hearing Room B, 2nd Floor, at the state house in Albany of course. The hearing will also stream live as a video and also be available as an archived video at least for some time. The word “Joint” refers to the presence of both the state senate and state assembly. However, it is not the entire senate and assembly; it is the Senate Finance Committee and the Assembly Ways and Means Committee, or at least their chairs, who at this time are Senator John DeFrancisco and Assemblyman Herman Farrell. The Senate and Assembly Environmental Conservation Committees do not necessarily participate in this hearing, as this is a matter of funding. Besides the DEC testifying on its own behalf, the public can also make suggestions about funding the DEC. Perhaps a dozen persons who represent a variety of diverse organizations will testify. In 2015, even Susan McDonough, a former state trooper (16 year veteran), who now is the NYS Humane Association Chair of the Committee on Animal Cruelty issues had testified. Although the record of McDonough’s testimony addresses the Agriculture Markets Department, an agency that might have been relevant to her testimony, apparently McDonough got lost and ended up in the Environmental Conservation Hearing were she asked for tens of thousands of dollars to be used to train police officers and dog control officers about animal cruelty. McDonough asserted that animal cruelty is a “bridge crime” and testified that serial killers often have a history of animal cruelty and indicated Jeffrey Dalmer and the Boston Strangler are examples of this. If YOU want to testify here is how you go about it. You call Jessica Jeune (518-455-3573) at least two days before the hearing. The DEC is scheduled on Thursday, January 28, 2016. Therefore you must call Jeune no later than Tuesday, January 26. Your testimony must be limited to ten minutes and you must bring 50 copies of your testimony with you.
  9. So, just how many mourning doves does one see per hour sitting in blinds across NY state in December 2015? Here is a partial report on this years Christmas Bird Count for mourning doves, done just this past week or so.... Note Location and in BOLD first number is doves seen, second number is hours in the blind. As I already said, December is not prime time to see mourning doves in NY because of migration and mortality, thus numbers of resident and stop over doves in the fall are much greater. December 2015 Christmas Bird Count Mourning Dove – NY Mourning Dove NYUD Ulster-Dutchess 42.0280 -73.9537 486 4.2445 NYOD Oneida 43.0957 -75.6522 398 8.2062 NYCT Catskill-Coxsackie 42.2871 -73.8823 364 3.6129 NYSI Staten Island 40.5833 -74.1500 344 3.7189 NYML Mohonk Lake-Ashokan Reservoir 41.8516 -74.1292 332 3.6889 NYCH Conesus-Hemlock-Honeoye Lakes 42.7776 -77.6161 302 3.0200 NYOO Oak Orchard Swamp 43.1517 -78.3904 272 2.9405 NYNN L.I.: Northern Nassau County 40.8660 -73.5938 261 1.4978 NYEO Eastern Orange County 41.4811 -74.1473 232 2.4946 NYSB St. Bonaventure 42.1082 -78.4844 223 4.3092 NYSY Syracuse 43.1000 -76.0833 219 1.7951 NYRC Rockland County 41.1347 -73.9746 194 2.1202 NYBM Beaver Meadow 42.6757 -78.3721 148 3.4023 NYCM Chatham 42.3797 -73.6461 138 1.4681 NYMT Monticello 41.5678 -74.6321 137 3.0444 NYOS Oswego-Fulton 43.3983 -76.4742 102 1.6518 NYRM Rome 43.3035 -75.4732 78 2.9434 NYSO Scio 42.1668 -78.0667 66 2.5882 NYWA Watertown 44.0071 -75.9843 64 1.6495 NYSL Saranac Lake 44.3167 -74.0730 45 0.3830 NYHP Huyck Preserve 42.4980 -74.2170 15 0.3947
  10. Mourning Dove Population and Distribution in NY State Note: This report is not complete and is still in progress.Stay tuned.... • DEC Mourning Dove Banding Effort: The DEC participated in a five year banding study which was recently completed. We are confirming locations of banding, and number of doves banded each year and will include this data in this report. Thus far, we have some partial data from Region 9: in the town of Portland, the DEC banded between 200 and 300 mourning doves per year. • Christmas Bird Counts (CBC): These counts are done in December every year in all sections of the state. Note that mourning dove populations are not likely to be near peak during the CBC because of migration. We are collecting CBC data which will be included in this report. We have some data from the Plattsburg region Christmas Bird Count of 2006. Here is the numbers for that year: Ferrisburg: 579 mourning doves. Plattsburg: 442 mourning doves. Elizabethtown: 171 mourning doves. Saranac Lake: 84 mourning doves. • Miscellaneous: Mourning doves nest in “great numbers” in Long Island, the Lower Hudson Valley, and the Lake Ontario Plains. Mourning dove populations have increased in NY for the past 40 to 45 years as evinced by population surveys done by the FWS.
  11. NYC Hunters are STILL not organized! We have attempted to reach out to NYC hunters in an effort to not only organize them in the mourning dove initiative, and protect the State Pheasant Farm, but also to organize them in general. There is absolutely no reason NYC hunters cannot develop a member list, maintain NYC-specific social media, a website, and their own e-newsletter, and a forum if they desire. They can also do what several hundred upstate organizations do, and have dozens of local state assembly and senate members attend their meetings and discuss hunting-related matters. NY Dove Hunting is willing to help NYC hunters create a website, social media, newsletter, and forum, as we did for New Jersey hunters regarding their initiative to legalize Sunday firearm hunting. However, we cannot administer the organization for you. This is where NJ is failing, at least for now. We cannot recruit, organize, and do what needs to be done at the local grassroots level. And, unfortunately, due to lobbying by state hunting organizations under the notion it is in the best interest of the hunter (privacy, etc), it is difficult for us to obtain a list of licensed hunters from the DEC. There are probably between 50,000 and 70,000 licensed hunters in NYC, not including Long Island. NYC hunters will not be counted until they are organized separately from state and national hunting organizations. NY Dove Hunting has already been corresponding with downstate legislators, including those in NYC. They are not as smug some would lead you to believe. If you help us, together we can nail this. Contact us through our website and lets get this going!
  12. Last year the DEC opened its revised mute swan plan for public comment. Little or none of the actions set forth in this plan required legislative approval. The public comment period was open for 45 days and the DEC received over 8,000 comments, mostly from animal rights advocates. NY Dove Hunting submitted comment, wrote the Legislature, the DEC, and the Governor. Before the public comment period was completed, Senator Avella and Assemblyman Cybrowitz put pressure on the DEC by introducing legislation which would prevent the DEC from implementing its mute swan strategies. Defying all common sense, this bill passed with only 25 legislators voting against it - all from the assembly; which means the entire republican majority senate also voted anti DEC. NY Dove Hunting than created a petition which was signed by about 350 persons. We submitted the petition to the governor, along with video evidence of the impacts of mute swans. In December 2015, Governor Cuomo did indeed VETO the legislation. However Avella and Cybrowitz were not willing to take no for an answer. They reintroduced the bill, with minor modifications (* see below), and it passed again. We are in the process of verifying the vote, to determine how many legislators changed their vote the second time around. We believe (ONE) senator (may) have voted against the bill the second time.Check our websites at a latter date for this information. The second bill was also VETOED by Cuomo earlier this week. Cuomo's veto message for the second bill was: "The circumstances that necessitated my disapproval have not changed". (*) 1. Prioritize non-lethal methods when dealing with mute swans 2. DEC must hold a MINIMUM of two public hearings before taking any action.
  13. Manitoba might join two other Providences, Puerto Rico, and 41 US states (including Hawaii) in 2016: http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/manitoba-considering-a-mourning-dove-season.html
  14. We have been sending regular emails for some time. There are a lot of problems with that, one of which is only a few dozen messages can be sent at one time. We designed a newsletter to be palatable to a broader audience with short messages. And these can be sent in bulk. Here is a link to our first one published two days ago: http://us11.campaign-archive2.com/?u=8116d31e9eac14600f1871d1e&id=72977b0745
  15. Check out our progress map at the link below! The Gaps show where we need to step up our effort! Contact the hunting organizations and writers of outdoor columns in those areas! The Blue represents the efforts of Brett B. and the Green the efforts of Bob R. ("Culvercreek HC"). Imagine if 10, 20, or 50 people worked at this like Brett! http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/map-of-dove-hunting-petition-signatures-91815.html
  16. Assemblyman Lalor hosts Trap/skeet shoot, message: you are invited to our third annual trapshoot, giving sportsmen the opportunity to showcase their sport and newcomers a chance to learn. Let me know if you are going for a free NY Dove Hunting Tee Shirt to wear to it (until supplies run out)! This is an opportunity to directly interface with Assemblyman Lalor and politically active hunters about the NY Dove Hunting matter - NY Dove Hunting Tee shirt available free if you are going, unless we run out, ask us! 2015 Fall Trapshoot & BBQ Fundraiser You are invited to our third annual trapshoot, giving sportsmen the opportunity to showcase their sport and newcomers a chance to learn. -First Time Shooters & Families Welcome, Shotguns and Instruction Will Be Provided- Saturday October 10th 10:00am to 2:00pm Whortlekill Rod & Gun Club 540 Route 376, Hopewell Jct., NY ----------- $100 For BBQ & Trapshoot $50 BBQ Only If you organize a foursome to shoot and eat you get a big discount. $350 for a Foursome for BBQ & Trap Shoot. (Foursomes Must Pay In Advance to Receive Discount) You Can Pay Online Here. BBQ Includes grilled chicken, hot dogs, hamburger, salads, baked potato, corn soda, water & beer. Shotguns and instruction will be provided. Schedule Shooting 10AM - 1PM BBQ 12PM - 2PM -Rain Or Shine- Journal Ads / Sponsorships Also Available Trap House Sponsor $150 _____ (Includes 1 ticket and quarter page journal ad) Event Sponsor $250 _____ (Includes 3 tickets and half page journal ad) Lunch Sponsor $500 _____ (Includes 4 tickets and full page journal ad) BBQ Sponsor $1000 _____ (includes 5 tickets and back inside cover ad) Second Amendment Sponsor $2000 _____ (includes 5 tickets, front inside cover ad, and event banner) Repeal the SAFE Act Sponsor $4100 _____ (includes 5 tickets, back cover ad, and event banner) - Space is Limited - Must be 13 or older to shoot RSVP Requested For more details contact us at [email protected] or (845) 616-3509 Pay Online Here Checks can be made to “Lalor for Assembly” and mailed to: PO Box 334 Hopewell Jct. NY 12533 Assemblyman Kieran Michael Lalor, a former teacher at Our Lady of Lourdes in Poughkeepsie, is a Marine Corps veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel. Lalor is of counsel to the law firm Gaines, Novick, Ponzini, Cossu & Venditti. He is a graduate of John Jay High School, Providence College and Pace Law School and lives in Hopewell Junction with his wife Mary Jo and their four young children Katie, Riley, Mikey and Kieran Jr.. www.KMLNY.com
  17. We get a lot of update inquiries. Not only is our petition growing, but so is our reach, and the word is getting out. However, the first thing we need to stress; is that this is a long-term effort that may take years. Not only is the word getting out, but much more cooperation has been fostered and more people have become informed about the matter. However, there still are many who are not caught up and need to be educated about the same elements. The outdoor media has begun to show interest in the topic as well. We are still struggling with some of them, however, because they want to focus on who NY Dove Hunting is and/or other people who have pushed for dove hunting in the past, and how difficult it is, etc.… We appreciate and need the press, however, it has not always been beneficial or as beneficial as it could be. Basically the message we need is sign the petition, visit our website to educate yourself on the matter, and follow us on social media for updates. We also need the media to push for volunteers and donations. The NY Dove Hunting advertisement on page 50 of the NY Hunting and Trapping Regulations Guide seems to be productive. Next year we want to run a full page ad or two small ads. To do this we need donations. Checks are made out to J.F. Griffin Publishing and mailed to NY Dove Hunting. For our mailing address, contact us through our website. We hope to raise $3,000 to cover a full page advertisement. Our National Hunting and Fishing Day strategy did not get off the ground this year, but we are hopeful for next year. We need volunteers to run booths at various hunting expos handing out literature, answering questions, and gathering petitions on the spot. When this gets off the ground, the movement will advance at a much, much faster pace. Those booths and literature cost money, and it would even be better if volunteers paid for them and/or gathered their own donations as much as possible. Although someone else might seek legislation, NY Dove Hunting has no plans to do so until we have gathered what we hope is sufficient petition signatures. We set the goal at 10,000. Currently we are getting signatures every day, but in the event we plateau, and the response is not revived with advertising, blogging, etc. we might settle on less than 10,000. However, we probably could get that amount over National Hunting and Fishing Day alone; once that gets off the ground. Out of around 1,090 Facebook followers, only about 90 have signed the petition. Facebook throttles pages to only 4% of their followers. With paid advertising, they allow us to reach only 7%. So if you know anyone on our page, tag them or otherwise contact them, don’t assume they are getting our feed because you did. As a page, we cannot contact them directly either, as you can with friends on a personal page. Sharing our posts on hunting-related facebook groups you belong to (or can join if you do not belong to any) which are specific to NY will help greatly. Any other way each of you can reach out is needed as well. On our website we have not only petition forms you can print out and return to us, but literature and targets with our web address on them. Placing these targets at your shooting range, particularly when people are sighting in for deer season, muzzleloader, rifle, or shotgun, will get word out and remembered. If everyone invests a few of their own dollars and prints these out and makes them available where hunters gather, it would help the movement further.
  18. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/dave-the-dove.html
  19. In NY, there were 47 plane collision strikes with mourning doves between 6/29/12 and 1/16/15. #SigntheNYDHpetition #NYDoveHunting #DovesareDelicious An FYF (for your fodder) post. Recycling and re-tweeting appreciated....
  20. We are also on google plus, facebook, twitter, and you tube and you can go directly to these sites off of our website. You should be on one or all of these too. If you are you can develop your own online network of hunters and distribute our materiel by using "share buttons". Additionally, every time you "like" one of our posts its distribution is increased among the greater online hunting community. Hunting season starts in eight days, so you will not be hearing from us as frequently for some time. However, we have scheduled a lot of material that will be published nearly every week, so keep checking back and/or sign up on social media for the updates. Here is the link for our Pininterest page: https://www.pinterest.com/NYDoveHunting/
  21. http://thebirdhuntingsociety.weebly.com/ring-necked-pheasant-ndash-invasive-species-or-valuable-gamebird.html
  22. Update August 13, 2015 New York Dove Hunting Petition is doing well. As we alluded in our slide presentation, this movement does not move unless it is pumped. We have analytic tracking which allows us to determine how many people look at our website and social media, and how many return. Of course, the number of petition signatures and social media subscriptions are known as well. We also enter the subscribers into a spreadsheet with petition signatories. Only 10% of those who follow us on social media have actually signed the petition. We have indeed tried to press those people to sign and/or ask why they have not signed, with no results for either. The number of petition signatures we receive is directly related to any action we take. Without doing anything, we might get about one signature a day. Of all the actions, except the advertisement in the Hunting and Trapping Regulation Guide, no action outperforms any other. For example, if we blog on a hunting forum or face book group, send out face book feed, advertise on face book, post on face book hunting groups, or send out mass emails, no one action yields more, and all indeed show a marked spike in signatures. Thus, it is important that you also undertake these actions and help us expand our reach. And, some of you have, keep it up. The others must become engaged as well. The advertisement in the Hunting and Trapping Regulation Guide is only a few days old, and it is indeed working. We also look up some of the signatories and notice we are now reaching a new market or demagraph, which is a very good thing. We hope to take out a full page ad next year, and it is not too early to start gathering donations for the June deadline. At this year’s rates, a full page ad will cost just under $3,000. Our National Hunting and Fishing Day Campaign did not get off the ground. That does not mean all of you cannot take a laptop and/or print outs of petition sheets and go gather signatures at these events next month. With enough people engaged, it would be very easy to get over 10,000 signatures on this one day. Again, now is the time for discussions about National Hunting and Fishing Day in 2016. The sooner this gets into play, the sooner we will be closer than ever toward a dove hunting season in NY. We created a slide show for your use to bring to your clubs. So far, we have no indication anyone has used it or recently presented to any clubs. We will be brushing up our internet sites. Besides housekeeping and maximizing the use of search engines and keywords we are going to also be working on different ways to deliver our message. We will be sending out social media feed in much smaller bites which are more palatable. In addition to that, we have been experimenting with cartoons, and will be prolifically producing cartoons and, of course, distributing them in the near future. We are excited and optimistic about the ground we have broken, the wide foundation we have built, and the new approaches, especially the cartoons we are developing. However, we are not nearly in place to take the beach yet. The sooner more people “get serious about doves” the sooner this will happen. “Time to get serious about doves!”
  23. NY Dove Hunting's advertisement in 2015-16 Hunting & Trapping Guide is out! If you go to the link below and then scroll to page 50, our ad appears in the lower left hand corner. If ads do not appear on your screen, you will see that if you click on that location you are directed to our petition. The hard copy regulation guides will be out soon you can also look for the ad there. We again thank those who donated to pay for this ad! Moving forward, it will take some time to generate the needed political support for a dove season and we hope to purchase a full page ad next year, and to do so will require additional donations. To make a donation for next year's ad, email us through the contact page of the NYDH website. http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/15huntguide.pdf
  24. For use at your clubs.... Loads slow,,, Keep advancing until you reach the page that says The End..... http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/presentation.html
  25. http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/mourning-dove-fact-sheet.html http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/comparative-anatomy-of-vocal-apparatus-syrinx---songbird-vs-non-songbird.html http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/lets-talk-about-food.html http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/lets-talk-about-food-2.html http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/-dove-frostbite.html http://nydovehunting.weebly.com/the-9-step-crab-eating-process.html
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