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Note links to 3 reports at the end of this article. Each report contains an interactive map of New York State. Click on each star to read how many mourning doves per hour were observed at that location during the Christmas Bird Count. The table below the map shows the same data.
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- dove season
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Air Shotguns add a new dimension to dove hunting. Note the comment about the overhead utility lines, we are going to recommend the DEC prohibits dove hunting within gun range of lines to prevent damage to them. They are taking Eurasian collared doves, which are similar to our native mourning doves. They are spreading and it is not too uncommon to find this introduced dove across NY. The impacts of ECD are not known at this point. If you want to hunt doves in NY, sign our online petition at this link: For info on Eurasian Collared Doves go to this link:
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NY Hunting Contest Legislation As most of you know, the last few years there has been bicameral legislation to ban hunting contests in NY. The media attention as well as the grassroots organizing of anti-hunters generated a lot of support for the proposal. The matter of hunting contests is outside the scope of NY Dove Hunting and is not part of our agenda. However, we want to point out the level of support needed to compel the Legislature. The organization Ban Hunting Contests in NY has collected 19.641 petition signatures and their Facebook page is followed by 2,582. Those numbers have two implications: 1) The antis in NY are still bigger and better organized than us. 2) We are shooting for 10,000 signatures – they are not able to move legislation with almost twice that number. That suggests 10,000 may not be enough for us. For whatever its worth, they also have double the number of Facebook followers as us; although we have a newsletter that is mailed to about 2,000 people, most of who are not following our Facebook page. As we continue to correspond with the downstate assembly once a month, we need all of you to continue working hard to get petition signatures.
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Details coming soon! As mourning doves expand northward Canadian Providences are instating hunting seasons. British Columbia has hunted doves for some time. Southern Ontario instated a season in 2014, and now Quebec. There is also a pending proposal in Manitoba and discussion elsewhere.
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Upcoming movie pushes back against the anti-bird dog movement, recommended by the AKC:
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Dove Hunting, Spying on Trapper's Convention, NAVHDA Bird Dog Training, and more... This page takes a moment to load... it's worth the wait.
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- dove hunting
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By now you might understand the utility of the information we are sending you and why we are sending it to you. If you are still cursing us out or scratching your head because you are not quite there yet, please stick around! Below is a summary we compiled which reflects the central premises of anti-hunting activists both in general and specific to dove hunting. (In the future we will adapt this to pheasant stocking, Sunday hunting, and young forest management). Categories of arguments are grouped and typical premises of each category are listed. For your convenience the same information is attached to this email as a pdf file which can be downloaded and saved to your computer. Catalog of Arguments Frequently used by Anti-Hunting Organizations and Activists Hunter Attitude and Behavior Arguments 1. Lack of interest in retrieving doves. 2. Hunters do not retrieve or eat doves but rather use them for target practice. Comments made by hunters, outdoor writers, and hunting spokespersons which reflect that or can be construed as such, are frequently quoted by anti-hunters and the media. 3. Dove hunting practices are cruel/inhumane/unethical/immoral/unsporting 4. How hunting causes suffering to doves, for example wounding and not retrieving. Social Imbalance Arguments 1. Expanding hunting opportunity will contract opportunity for non-hunting activities. 2. Participation in hunting is shrinking and there is more revenue generated and greater participation in other outdoor activities. Policy should favor the majority. 3. Expanding hunting opportunity will make NY less desirable for non-hunting recreation which will result in lost revenue for the state and local economies. 4. The vast majority of hunters are middle aged or older Caucasian males. Power and Control Arguments 1. Decisions should be made by majority rule (voting). 2. Hunting policy is decided under a rigged system tainted by favoritism, politics, special interests, money, and abuse of power. 3. State wildlife agencies mismanage wildlife to accommodate hunters because hunting license revenue is their primary source of funds. 4. A pro-hunting culture exists within the DEC. 5. There is no anti-hunting representation on the Conservation Fund Advisory Board and the Fish and Wildlife Management Board. At least one representative of the Humane Society of the United States should be appointed to these boards to represent the interests of the broader public, not just hunters. Public Participation Arguments 1. Anti-hunters claim they are disenfranchised from the decision making process, the extent to which they are involved, the nature of their involvement. 2. Lack of transparency of the decision-making process exists. 3. Public notice was inadequate and therefore stakeholder participation was compromised. Arguments about the reliability of population estimates, monitoring, and information about mourning doves. 1. Science is not recent enough 2. Quality of science is inadequate or questionable 3. Need NY specific data 4. Imprecise population estimates 5. There is speculation surrounding dove management. 6. NEPA requires ESA, EIS before instating a dove hunting season and/or similar action should be taken prior to considering a dove season. Wildlife management is a failure/debacle 1. Management of doves and other wildlife is not working/failing/ineffective. 2. Animal-related problems are the result of human arrogance, intervention, manipulation or management. 3. Hunting causes imbalanced wildlife populations. Dove Hunting is not biologically justified 1. Management need does not exist because doves are not overpopulated or a nuisance species, therefore hunting is not biologically justified. Dove hunting will not generate conservation revenue or general economic activity. 1. Flawed economic report (flawed because of gross misinterpretation of data) 2. Participation in dove hunting does not require much money so it should not be allowed 3. Dove hunters do not buy electronic dog equipment so the economic impact of dove hunting is insignificant. 4. Dove hunting will only redistribute the effort but not increase license sales. 5. Dove hunting will have an impact on ticket sales for concerts and basketball games thereby hurting the economy. Lack of meat 1. A dove is too small to provide “sustenance”. Palatability 1. Dove meat has a bitter taste that requires heavy marinades 2. Crow tastes like wild duck and doves Doves as Symbols 1. Christian 2. Hebrew 3. Pagan 4. Military 5. Pacifist 6. Artist Picasso's painting of the Peace Dove. Public Safety 1. Dove hunting jeopardizes the safety of non-hunters recreating outdoors Maintain the Status Quo 1. Doves have not been hunted in NY for many years and that protection should remain in place. Assigning Characteristics to Doves 1. Peaceful, innocent, helpless, loving, devoted, cute, etc. Incidental Take of Protected Birds 1. Concerns are often raised about hunter’s ability or commitment to identify doves in flight 2. Persons self-identifying as “experienced” bird watchers, or indicate they study birds for a living (including several artists who characterize their livelihood as “study birds for a living”) indicate they personally have misidentified stationary doves with binoculars, and assert that an error is more likely when discerning birds in flight without binoculars. Miscellaneous 1. “I am not an animal rights extremist” “I am just a concerned bird watcher”. 2. ‘I am a hunter, but I oppose hunting doves”. 3. Orphaned chicks 4. Compare mourning doves with the passenger pigeon. 5. Pb ammunition 6. Hunters will shoot at doves flying near or perched on utility lines and damage them. 7. Writer indicates experience owning a dove or other bird as a pet, saving young birds. 8. Writer advocates teaching children and/or adults about coexisting with wildlife, animals were here first, compassion for doves, reverence for all life. 9. Eating meat is unhealthy or bad for the environment. 10. Amount of money spent by both sides or the government in fighting the matter. 11. Because I feed doves in my backyard people should not hunt them. 12. Hunters already have enough species to hunt. 13. Doves are the Farmer’s Friend because they control nuisance plants by eating seeds. 14. New York State Assembly Rule 3, Sec 1(f) requires the Fiscal Implications of Legislation must be determined. 15. Anti-hunters will often quote or paraphrase statements made by well-known persons, some of which were published over 120 years ago. The content of such statements is varied: opinion, outdated science, and often speculation that did not pan out over time. Characterization of Hunters 1. Real men do not hunt 2. Hunters are cowards 3. Hunters are feeble-minded 4. Hunters are inbred 5. Hunters are overweight or “paunchy”. 6. Hunters are backwards 7. Hunters are hicks 8. Hunters are Caucasian males 9. Hunters are an aging and dying breed that is going extinct, in with the new and out with the old! 10. Hunters are drunks 11. Hunters are non-athletic or “NARPS” – non-athletic regular person 12. Hunters can’t fist fight so they need guns 13. Multiple contexts of physical inadequacy, sexual inadequacy/etc. 14. Hunters have the “little man syndrome”. Core arguments-FD.pdf
- Sunday hunting
- pheasant hunting
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It is early for us to start distributing our political endorsements and report cards, but I thought I would provide a preview of our political strategy. As with our other strategies, this will require help from as many people as possible. Inform us of candidates seeking to run for the Legislature; and help us get the word out about who the good guys and bad guys are when the time approaches. So far, we only received two replies (Link 1). In addition to the replies, we note the names of candidates who fail to reply. (Link 2). Stay tuned and check back as we add data to these links as we receive replies. Link 1: Link 2:
- dove hunting
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Few remaining hunters from NJ know what an Atlantic brant or a Northern bobwhite is, but these two birds are iconic NJ game species. "No a brant isn’t some kind of duck, it’s a kind of goose for starts"…. The Northern bobwhite is reputed to be a NJ Pine Barrens bird, probably more because the pine barrens resembles sections of the southeast that were once the quail belt, than what reflects reality. (Today, the healthiest bobwhite populations are in the Midwest, as is the case with most game birds). In reality the bobwhite was formally widespread and abundant in NJ found well north of the Pine Barrens. Never the less, the Pine Barrens was put under permanent protection and is NJ’s largest intact wild space, therefore it is the best bet for restoring bobwhite populations. The Pine Barrens is a fire dependent system. The trees and plants that comprise the Barrens require burning. And Mother Nature made them so they catch fire easily. Misinformed persons are not aware that the frequent fires in the NJ PB are natural events. These natural fires, plus prescribed burns for habitat enhancements, maintain the NJ PB, thus the bobwhite habitat. While it is true that there are not as many open areas and regeneration is needed, natural fires are a built in habitat maintenance system. The similar habitat types and the ability to get wild birds from Georgia is key. So the Pine barrens it is, but where are the hunters? Not too many years ago the NJ Division of Wildlife and Fisheries proposed a “deal” with a few aging bird hunters and some whippersnapper deer hunters who probably cant tell a quail from an English setter or spell either one. The deal was, place a moratorium on bobwhite hunting for the good of the declining population and we will see about a mourning dove season to replace the lost opportunity. At the time, NJ classified the mourning dove as a protected bird. Since then mourning doves were indeed reclassified as a game bird by NJ, but no dove hunting season yet several years later. Not even discussion about it. So what is going on with bobwhites? Audubon New Jersey is funding and facilitating bobwhite recovery in Jersey, and hunters are out of the picture. When and if bobwhites recover, will the bird watchers stake a claim to the bobwhite as “their” bird and oppose reinstating a hunting season? Our guess is yes indeed and they will have a lot of fodder, including “ the hunters had no interest in the reintroduction/recovery effort, contributed no money towards it, they wiped the birds out once ( not true but it works), and now they want to hunt these tiny birds that contain little meat for target practice”. And, there will be even fewer bird hunters when this happens, Not only that, those existing bird hunters have will have no experience with bobwhites or tradition of hunting them. Audubon NJ’s own video might actually be helpful in showing these hunters the sporting qualities of bobwhites and reminding Audubon about how self-sufficient bobwhite are. Notice the “biologist” or “field technician” or “volunteer’s” lack of reaction time when coveys of bobwhites are released out of a box, much less flushed afield. Do you think they imagine the difficulty of trying to hit them with a shotgun? Either do we. Fact is bobwhites, like other game such as ring-necked pheasant and mourning doves are extremely challenging to hunt. So tough, the real reason people stopped hunting them, is just as much because society (including hunters) has become soft, as much as it is declining habitat and bird abundance. At least in the case of pheasant and bobwhite, because there are more doves then before and habitat is not an issue. Never the less we will hear a lot of tough talk, especially on the internet, were being anonymous is the rule rather than the exception. Others who don’t think they are so tough will paraphrase and quote outdoor writers, naturalists, hunters, and biologists who if alive today would be over 125 years old. The wisdom of 125 years ago And the science, does not apply today. We wonder if these pontificators know when they quote something about the few last woodcock, bobwhite, rails, snipe or grouse that they are regurgitating statements made 130 years ago? Yes Like Rachel Carson of the Silent Spring fame, John Jay Audubon, George Bird Evans, Aldo Leopold, Corey Ford, and a dozen others who are still very often quoted today, would be well over a century old if they were still alive. You have all heard dozens of these quotes - and dozens more of variations to make it sound like it is some type of original brilliance of the speaker or writer. The narrative goes something like this: “I used to hunt those tiny birds, so scant of meat, but today, as I mature and am wiser, take pleasure in watching them feed/display/sing/etc.….” “I used to hunt these minute birds when I was a younger lad, but today I am concerned about the decline of them to extinction so I no longer shoot, except with my camera”….. The Robert Frost – style outdoor writing / speaking, and today internet blogging or posting isn’t all. The NJ deception about “trading” bobwhites for mourning doves is also duplicated with the same “deals” concerning rails, snipe, and woodcock. It goes something like this – “ there are so few people that hunt snipes and rails close the season and replace it with a dove season”. It should be obvious, trading doesn't make any sense, but apparently not to everyone. People are not hunting as much. Bird watching is growing. New wildlife biologists are not hunters. When the last of the bird hunters are gone, who is going to care? That is the goal our friends…. As they say, if its old, white, and grey it has an expiration date… Watch the video. If you don’t realize the sporting qualities of bobwhites after watching this, it might be time to adjust your medication.
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Giving NYC hunters a voice; the effect of legislative districting on hunting policy; and the need for more NYC signatures on the dove hunting petition: Giving NYC hunters a voice.pdf
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- NYC Huinters
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NY Dove Hunting's advertisement in last year's NY Hunting & Trapping Official Guide to Laws and Regulations was a success and we plan to run the ad again this year and every year as long as it takes. Ad deadline is June 1. We have already received donations this year from members on this page, Lawdaz and Raymero (via Putnam Federation of Sportsmen). We need $200 more dollars for a minimum size ad, which is what we used last year. If we receive more than $200 we will purchase a larger ad or two ads. Please endorse checks as shown. Use the contact page of the NY Dove Hunting Website to request our mailing address.
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- dove hunting
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Commentary: At least some Iowa legislators apparently handle anti-hunting activists differently than their counterparts in NY. Deardon was a DEMOCRAT, and, in addition to pushing for dove hunting, had also worked toward passing several social issues important to some democrats. And by Iowa standards Deardon's district - Des Moines is about as urban as the state gets. The reason the above is significant is because in NY it is believed, with some merit, that the democrat, NYC Assembly is a major factor in the outcome of pro-hunting legislation. Although Ontario, Canada reinstated dove hunting in 2013, the last U.S. state to do so was Iowa in 2011. Thus, when speaking to your State Representatives or other members of the Legislature in advocating for dove hunting, you should mention the Iowas Senators role in both passing dove hunting and a number of democrat social policies, and that he was a democrat. This article can be shared from our website: Dearden Retires; Championed Hunting of Mourning Doves Sen. Dick Dearden (D-Des Moines) By Joyce Russell APR 19, 2016 A state senator best known for leading a long and controversial fight to legalize the hunting of mourning doves said farewell to the Iowa Senate today. Des Moines Democrat and avid hunting enthusiast Dick Dearden is retiring after 20 years in the legislature. In remarks to his fellow Senators, Dearden recalls leading passage of the dove hunting bill three times before it finally became law in 2011. He remembers what he calls one of his favorite e-mails from an animal rights enthusiast: “This woman wrote, she says, you’re a sick old man,” Dearden said. “I hope you die of a heart attack hunting mourning doves.” Dearden e-mailed the woman back. “So do I,” he wrote. Governor Vilsack vetoed one dove-hunting bill, but Governor Branstad signed it into law at the next attempt. The issue attracted hundreds of men and women in hunting gear to the capitol to push for the bill. Dearden was also instrumental in passing a constitutional amendment to create the state’s Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund. He recalled other votes during his long tenure including voting against restoring the death penalty and against a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. Dearden is a retired labor leader. He and his wife Sharon are long-time Polk County Democratic activists. Dearden’s daughter Pam Dearden Connor is a candidate to succeed her father in Senate District 16 representing the east side of Des Moines.
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Here is a link to our politico questionnaire and a separate link were we publish the responses (1 so far), who we sent a questionnaire, and our Grade for each politician - we only gave out an F minus so far..... These two pages will be interesting and useful reading as the data accumulates over the months. If you hear of any vacancies or contested districts, please gather as much information as you can and get it to me. Feel free to just send the candidate the link, just let me know so we do not duplicate each others efforts and send someone extra mail. Here are the links: Candidate Questionnaire: Candidate Responses, List, and Grade:
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NY Dove Hunting is surveying the candidates in the special election held April 19, 2016. One of the regions where a special election is being held is senate district 9, which is around the towns of Garden City, Hemstead, and Long Beach. We sent the three candidates who we are aware of that are seeking this office our questionnaire. I will post the actual questionnaire and then the responses we get. We already got one - and the bottom line is do NOT vote for Seth (Lawrence) Hirsh!
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- dove hunting
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It has been busy, and some things got neglected….. Although “fundraising” should be a year-round endeavor, and most non-profit organizations spend 99% of their time and effort fundraising, NY Dove Hunting does not…. One factor to be aware of is the June 1 deadline for advertisements for the Regulation Guide which we must deal with…. Most of what we have studied about businesses including non-profits; is that advertising expense should double in year two…. We have collected slightly more than last year and put a little more of our own money into Facebook ads this year, but we are not close to doubling our advertisement investment…. So what if I paid for a year’s worth of Facebook advertising ($365) and half of the Regulation Guide advertisement ($400)…. Adjusting for inflation, that is about $800… For one year…. However over 5 years it is $4,000…. Not going to happen…. Certain circumstances developed just prior and during to our advertising donation push which required action. What has erupted which diverted our attention from “fundraising?” · Humane Lobby Day · DEC Webless Migratory Game Bird Survey · NY State Special Elections being held on April 19 in conjunction with the presidential primary · Developing animated cartoons · Developed a Coalition of organizations and a coalition letter in support of dove hunting · Developed a candidate survey and grade page The bullet pointed matters are in addition to the routine efforts we make, so combined it was a lot. Bottom line here is we need advertising funds and we need them at the latest by May 21. To get involved and learn how you can help go to the following two links for information:
- pheasant hunting
- reynolds pheasant farm
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Here is a link to our politico questionnaire and a separate link were we publish the responses (1 so far), who we sent a questionnaire, and our Grade for each politician - we only gave out an F minus so far..... These two pages will be interesting and useful reading as the data accumulates over the months. If you hear of any vacancies or contested districts, please gather as much information as you can and get it to me. Feel free to just send the candidate the link, just let me know so we do not duplicate each others efforts and send someone extra mail. Here are the links: Candidate Questionnaire: Candidate Responses, List, and Grade:
- dove hunting
- dove season
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The Parent organization of Delta Waterfowl is promoting our petition among its NY members. Meanwhile the Connecticut Chapter has launched their own dove initiative. Here is the article from Delta Waterfowl:
- dove season
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Our new Cartoon series will air most Saturdays at 7:30 AM. Enjoy:
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- dove season
- dove hunting
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Around 2008, the DEC published this: In response, around 2014, NY Dove Hunting published this: During March 2016 the DEC circulates this: Thus: if you received a DEC survey be mindful about how you answer each question so that you do not communicate a message you did not intend! If you did not receive a survey, NOW is prime time to write to the DEC in support of hunting mourning doves, woodcock, snipe, and rails. Contact NY Dove Hunting at the following link for the address to send your correspondence, or send us your letters and we will get them to the proper channels. Contact NY Dove Hunting:
- dove season
- dove hunting
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Next 3 Days are Prime Time to Write Your State Reps! Why? Because Humane Lobby Day is April 12. 2016, and on this day 150 activists will be in Albany working out their agenda to slash bird hunting opportunity in NY including discouraging future legislation which would allow dove hunting! Write to your senate and assembly reps. TODAY! Tell them not to make any promises to block dove hunting legislation, eliminate the state pheasant stocking program, and ban hunting of woodcock, snipe, and rails! Next 6 Days are Prime Time to Write to the DEC! Why? Because the DEC is canvassing hunters about their interest in hunting dove, woodcock, snipe, and rails until April 15, 2016! Write to the DEC TODAY! Tell the DEC you want them to seek legislative change necessary to allow dove hunting and that you want the opportunity to hunt woodcock, snipe, and rails to continue! Where to send your letters or emails: If you prefer that NY Dove Hunting forwards your correspondence to the appropriate channels use the contact form on our website located at the following link: If you prefer to contact your senate and assembly reps directly, you can find out who they are and obtain their contact information by using these two links: Letter Number 1: To find you assembly rep: Letter Number 2: To find your senate rep: Letter Number 3: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Contact NY Dove Hunting for Proper Channels Have you signed the petition to reinstate dove hunting in NY? If you have already signed, there is no need to sign again. However, it is extremely important that you help get other NY hunters to also sign on! If you have not already signed the petition, please sign it TODAY and help us sign up other NY hunters! The petition can be accessed and electronically signed at this link:
- reynolds pheasant farm
- woodcock hunting
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5 More Days! In 5 days 150 activists will be in Albany working out their agendas with the Legislature. We have been urging the bird hunting community to write to their state representatives in the upcoming days. The message of your letters should be that elected officials should learn the facts and challenge the assertions of these activists rather than naively believe what they say without fact-checking. In particular mention reinstating a dove hunting season and protecting the state pheasant stocking program. Also convey that you seek a general improvement in game bird hunting opportunities and policies which govern same, including relaxing the regulations pertaining to using training birds on public land. Or, simply use the form letter on our website. No doubt, we will be talking about Humane Lobby Day again this time next year. Hopefully the response from the bird hunting community will be stronger and more focused. We don’t need nay-saying we need activists. For example, can someone come up with ten good form letters by next year? If you do will get them to our constituency. Get involved and be proactive, don’t wait for the other guy there is no such thing. There are 8 days left to complete the DEC Webless Migratory Game Bird Survey If you received one by mail or email: Most of the survey asks questions about your level of interest in dove hunting in NY and about changes in your interest over the past 5 years in hunting woodcock, snipe, and rails. Be mindful when completing this survey to avoid conveying a message you did not intend! Specifically, we are concerned that the scale system of the survey will conclude “lack of interest” when that was not what the respondents wanted to convey. If you did not receive this survey: By all means write to the DEC TODAY in support of reinstating a dove hunting season and in preserving the existing hunting opportunities for woodcock, snipe, and rails! If you want NY Dove Hunting to forward your correspondence to the appropriate DEC staff or Legislators, send it to us through the contact page on our website and we will make sure they receive your input.
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- dove hunting
- dove season
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April 12 and April 15, 2016 April 12, 2016 is Humane Lobby Day in Albany. Over 150 activists will meet with legislators or their staff to advocate for policy which reduces your opportunity to hunt doves and other webless migratory game birds and train your bird dog or retriever gun dog. Action to Take Today: Go to this link find your senate and assembly representatives and copy a form letter to send them: April 15, 2016 is the last day the DEC will accept responses to its Webless Migratory Game Bird Survey. This survey asks questions which apparently are intended to assess the change in interest level of respondents toward hunting webless migratory game birds over the last 5 years. Action to Take Today: First be aware that there is a national movement to eliminate hunting for webless migratory game birds, including woodcock. One of the justifications given by those seeking this policy change is that there is a “lack of interest” in hunting mourning doves, woodcock, snipe, and rails. Thus, think – out your responses so that you do not relay an unintended message. This survey was sent by either postal mail or email. If you were not selected as a respondent, then by all means write to the DEC prior to April 15 in support of hunting webless migratory game birds. Be sure to include in your correspondence that it is important that mourning dove hunting is reinstated in NY.
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Action Needed on April Fools Day - How Fitting! On April 12 spokespersons from several anti-hunting organizations and about 150 of their supporters will be in Albany to meet with 212 state legislators and/or their staff. This is the Humane Lobby Day which is held every spring at the state house. We need to make three impressions: 1) Awareness about Humane Lobby Day among the NY Bird Hunting Community, and foster a culture which responds to HLD this year and every year. Remember: If everyone in your bird hunting network does not know what HLD is one year from now, you did not work hard enough! 2) Show the Legislature that we are organizing, and bird hunting is no longer going to be the "Sacrifice Issue" to appease anti-hunters in NY. Specifically, regarding the discussions on HLD about dove hunting and the state pheasant stocking program. 3) Tell legislators that we are seeking a dove hunting season and want the state pheasant stocking program protected, if not expanded! Action to Take: Read the accompanying report and write your state senate and assembly representative today. Foster awareness about HLD and persuade other bird hunters to take the same action. There is share buttons embedded in the article which will make this easier for some of you, especially if you use social media.
- humane lobby day
- pheasant hunting
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Two videos side by side to compare hunting pheasant and grouse. A third video to be added to this page in the near future. The next time someone says pheasant are helpless and all that, refer them to this.
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- reynolds pheasant farm
- grouse hunting
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Mourning Doves spring migration is underway and they have been back in NY since February, Since about March 2, there has been even more. The males are actively calling for mates. If you are not hearing them, this is what they sound like:
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