We checked 4 trail cams today. 3 had pictures and one was stolen ( private land). On the 3 we got pics, there were no big deer. Since 7/9 they were out with constant food on them and yet no shooter bucks. They were spread thru-out a few private lots that all connected somehow. Together about 70 acres i estimate. there were lots of does and small bucks, a small 8 we wouldnt shoot, a bear (huge!) and fawns. Cameras have been out since 7/9 with food always. Majorityof the young bucks were very very small 4,5, or 6s. But were very small and would be shooters in 2 years.. The past years weve seen atleast 3 shooters, why? Nothing has changed and if anything, the condition of the properties increased. Also we cant hunt the property during early bow so we are going to hunt a piece of land that is not posted yet not public. It borders a big field that they cut before season and the deer eat at it for a month. But there are idiots driving around hunting off there 4 wheelers and we dont trust anyone after what happened on the private property! We need advice about how to secure a stand, that we will take the bottom part of the ladder when were not hunting so nobody can get in. How can we lock it because someone can easily snip a hunting lock cable.. Any help appreciated.