Well I had a great deer hunting season but ended on a low note. With 2 weeks left in the season I was determined to hit the woods hard with an extra 5 days to take off and key in on a few good area's until this happened. Just driving with the flow when this jerk tried to pull into a parking lot from the left lane! Guy did not see me at all and slammed me off the road and actually landed in the parking lot on my right side! ARG!!! So now I get to wait for approval on Meds and physical therapy, joy. Lucky for me I can take it easy as the pain was very sharp when present.
Not that I could not hunt at all but trying to drag out a deer when my back and neck are strained would have been problematic to say the least and I did not know if I was getting worse as time progressed so I bailed on the last two weeks for self preservation and pain management.
Was hoping for a decent buck with antlers to start my year off on the right foot, that got shot down. Sometimes the only luck I get is bad! Hope things get better from here! Arg!
Goodbye little Scion, you where a good car I will miss you!