The SHOTGUN SEASON for Long Island White Tails commences January 1, 2012.
Included for the first time within the shotgun season are "crossbows".
Hunter safety and game conservation are our #1 priorities; this being said...
we believe it to be responsible of us to offer the THRILL OF THE HUNT "experience" to those who shoot the crossbow.
We also realize that the mixing of vertical & crossbow, based on safety concerns is a
"no-no"; therefore, we have decided to dedicate Saturday mornings, 9am--noon, for the months of October 2011 thru December 31, 2011, as the official OPEN CROSSBOW SESSION.
Fee for the OPEN CROSSBOW SESSION is $30.00 per 30 target round, field points only.
RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED! Those who show-up without reservations, may not be afforded range time.
Reserve early, call Art @ (631)566-5261 or email:
[email protected]