I'm looking at the big game hunting opportunities in Ontario, CA. According to the province's regulations, non-residents (with some exceptions) have to hunt bear and moose with a licensed guide. So, unguided, DIY hunts (at least for bear and moose) aren't feasible up there.
I've looked through a few different guiding websites to get a baseline for the prices that are charged: $3.5k-$6k per person for Moose hunts (depending on the level of guide services); and $2.5k-$3.5k for black bear hunts (again depending on the level of guide services).
My question: are there any guides/outfitters which offer minimal services, and cheap fees, for hunting these animals? For example, is there an outfitter which takes on a non-resident hunter as registered guest but allows him/her to hunt DIY for a cheaper rate than what is mentioned above?