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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/12 in Posts

  1. I only had two hours but what a great morning....didn't spook anything going in...even though I did miss the trail a couple of times...had deer file by...raccoon scream and I believe a bear huff at me down wind...then I finally heard some birds above me in the field and below me in my woods and off to the side in my woods....I managed using just my voice this morning...... to get 4 hens all yelping clucking and cackling at me.... where they were located each of them helped me call the others in ...I actually got two to leave the field looking for me...lol...I had one 3 ft away and managed to get it to hop a stone wall and circle me....a chipmunk had breakfast on my leg........ I need to squirrel hunt that area more........ one ran the stone wall to with in a ft of my face and we had a stare down...before he decided to leave....Well got run pots to cemetery and salads to finish....have a great day!!
    1 point
  2. And those are the mornings we remember... it's not always the taking of game that makes hunting successful. Great Morning Indeed.
    1 point
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