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Posts posted by ELMER J. FUDD

  1. So let me play the advocate... how does killing 60,000 1.5 year olds help the herd? Don't tell me keeps the herd density in check.. that gets done with does.

    It does not make the surviving deer less healthy though, does it?

    Which deer do most of the breeding? Young or old?

  2. I'm sorry but many have asked how more mature bucks in the herd benefits the herds health. The answers sound like this to me "because there's more mature bucks and the rut is more intense".

    It's like saying "girls are smarter because we're better".

    "More mature bucks in the herd benefits the health of the herd because there's more mature bucks." Try again.

    Hell I'll buy "the mature bucks protect the herd from danger" more than that.

  3. I hunt on a family dairy farm. We don't shoot anything less that 8's. Problem is a lot of our land borders state land and you get guys going in that will shoot small bucks that they wouldn't on their own property. I've let a lot of small ones walk just to see them in the back of a pickup on the way out. My opinion is If you want meat take a nice doe and let the little guys walk

    So, the guys driving away with small bucks told you they have their own land and that they wouldn't shoot such a small buck if it was on their land?

  4. There is also the safety aspect. We've all heard stories about people getting shot and killed because they were mistaken for deer. ARs, such as three or better on one side, would force hunters to not be so quick on the trigger and positively identify what they are shooting at

    That's a good point. However they already have a better reason to know your target and beyond...PRISON! lol.

  5. DEC is back to mulling the AR question. Do you like AR or do you think it is better to let hunters decide. This goes back to the old discussion: a deer that only has spikes in its first year will never grow a trophy set of antlers so do we inprove the gene pool by killing those spikes or do we have AR and kill off the trophy gene animals and further dilute the gene pool by saving the spikes?

    I'm not taking sides, I'm reporting what is being discussed at DEC.

    How do you know the DEC is considering AR again? Was there a bulletin or a survey? What is your source?

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