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Posts posted by ELMER J. FUDD

  1. Geno is right. None of us would win a debate with Ted on gun control, the constitution, etc.

    I'll man up and admit that he just annoys me because he's different than I. I'd probably talk like him if we hung out for a week. I'm fake like that. Lol.

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  2. I'm going to eat a whole box, they are so good...(just hope my doctor doesn't read this, he is a hunter...and has me on Type 2 meds)!!!!!!!

    My dr has a cartoon on the door of the exam room. It says `` Give it to me straight doc. How long do I have to ignore your advice''

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  3. - Zimmerman had a responsibility as an armed citizen to think proactively. For this reason I think he should be punished.

    - one news source claimed that there is a law in Fl that prohibits a neighnorhood watchman from carrying while on duty. If that's true, he should have been charged with breaking that law, not murder. There has to be some degree of negligence he should be held responsible.

    - sadly it does not matter what lead up to the moment he feared for his safety or life. At that 10 seconds before he killed the kid, the use of deadly force is justified. He should be found not guilty for murder.

    - shame on all politicians and celebrities for not being diplomatic to reduce the outrage. I probably speak on behalf of many of you when I say I'm sick and tired of trying to bury this racism crap in this country. What's it gonna take?

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