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Posts posted by skyhunter

  1. Why do you hate foxes so much? I enjoy watching them, it is the coyotes I want dead.

    Nice picture by the way!

    Thanks; I agree with you and don't get someone wanting to exterminate a beautiful animal like a grey fox. Some people have no respect for nature.

    I'd rather get a live picture of one than kill one.

  2. Mabey true but i sure would like to see how they locked up each single doe,left her in a stall long enough to pee,get enough urine to even fill one bottle and have her in her full estrus cycle...I would also think there would be very little produced even if it was done.But i guess people will do what it takes but i sure would like to see it.Code blue puts some numbers on a bottle and says it came from this such and such doe.How many bottles of urine do you think a whitetail deer coud fill in a pure heat cycle??

    I would agree that lots of claims coming from manufacturers of scent products are questionable. The subject of preserving pheromones is not in question.
  3. the lady at Northern Whitetails Laughed and said that was the craziest thing she ever heard.Pheremones dont go bad.She never heard of such a thing.She said that the urine would be good for months after opened if it wasn't put in the sun or heat.To keep in the fridge.

    So.I don't know.I think she probably knows her stuff.Still going to order another set next week any how.

    Of course she laughed. what she knows is that she wants to sell you product, so she tells you it lasts for months. what's not crazy is that she sells a product lacking the main ingredient and is either ignorrant about the nature of pheromones or she lies to sell product. what would you do in her shoes? you be the judge.

  4. Why rely on someone else and take it here and there when you can check it out yourself by shooting it? If sights have not been comprismised and arrow rest has not moved then it should shoot right where it did before you droped it. Shoot it and you will know.

  5. Poppycock

    "poppycock" yourself; that's what they did; each bottle from a specific deer. Many manufacturers lie; some don't.

    Yes pure heat is a mixture of urine from whitetails does that are in their 56 to 58 hour breeding window...No doubt about it..full blown standing ready whitetail does
    nowhere in your last post did you debate the fact that estrous pheromones are not present in days old "heat" deer urines. That makes some sense.
  6. Is there any links to research on this statement?I cant find nothing.I just would like to know the facts.How do the pheromones die?how do the Box store companies keep them alive?

    Actually this information was provided by the "Tanks" scent company; not "Tinks". The link I read this from no longer works.The Tanks company specialized in deer scent from one particular deer and not a potion of combined pees mixed togehter. They told the truth about so called estrous scents on their website and detailed the fact that the nature of pheromones make them unpreservable. Natural dissapation occurs over a few days and nothing can prevent that occurence. That's why they (Tanks) did not market an estrous product like the rest of the companies and instead just sold urine from a single donor deer.

    As far as your question "how do Box store companies keep them (pheromones) alive"? answer: they don't.

  7. Maybe that is why the Estrus Trophy Leaf worked so well. It is a synthetic replica of the real Hot Doe in Heat estrus. I'll tell you what... it doesn't have a strong smell like of the bottle stuff I have purchased over the years,

    I would agree that the synthetics would be a better alternative to using aged "estrous" scents over 3 days old which don't contain any pheromones.

    Biggest scam in the scent industry. Estrous scents which have no estrous pheromones. Priceless!

  8. I think you are missing the point, entirely. NWS is local, available, and I'm readily resupplied. A few days is all I need for a particular order.

    not missing a thing ; perhaps you are.

    My point is that the urine has to be collected from an actual doe in estrous and then shipped and used, all in a 3 day period in order for the hunter to be using a product that contains actual estrous pheromones.

    Now I ask you the likelyhood of that happening? Are estrous does always ready on demand when an order is placed, and will the hunter be using the product within 3 days of collection? Not likely.

  9. Northern Whitetail Scents...mines being bottled in the morning. I'd say that's fresh enough for me. She's even going to make a gel out of the Intruder since I decoy a bit and it's a little easier to use then.

    Again there are to many ny deer farms that have scent operations not to be using the real doe in heat.When we have our own deer we can bring that doe into full blown heat.When you get it in that 56 to 58 hour period....You are getting full blown estrus urine.

    nevertheless, the pheromones are gone after a few days and you are left with plain deer urine.
  10. I have to agree with using whatever tactic you like regardless of the calendar since deer don't often look at one, and yes a buck would be ready to mate long before the first does are ready and would sieze whatever opportunity that presented itself.

    As far as the "estrous" scent is concerned, I believe that it a matter of catching a buck in the right frame of mind and is very unpredictable even during the prime days of the rut.

    Another thing few hunters are aware of and even fewer manufactures of "estrous" products will tell you is a deal breaker. One maunfacturer once told the truth about this "estrous" scam that runs rampant but they were the only ones. The reason I am writing "estrous" in quotes is because what they sell you is missing the main ingredient when you use it and that would be the the estrous pheromones that attract the buck.

    While these pheromones might be contained in an "estrous" doe pee sample that is bottled, the pheromones naturally dissipate in a matter of a few days and are not present in 99.9% of the urine that hunters use.

    Unless you capture urine from a doe that is actually in her estrous period (a very small window of opportunity) and then have it bottled, frozen, and then in the hands of a hunter in a day or 2, then what you have is just a plain bottle of aged doe urine.

    Doe in heat / estrous products are one of the biggest scams in the industry as almost none contain the vital and active pheromones that signal the buck.

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