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ADK Tank

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Everything posted by ADK Tank

  1. I don't have a dog in this hunt either but here is what it states from the DEC website: Catch and release means catching and immediately releasing the caught fish without harm. Measuring, weighing and photographing of the fish are permitted as long as the fish is not removed from the water for an extended period or handled in a manner that could cause it harm. Fish may not be placed in a bucket, tub, livewell, on a string or any other holding device. Catch and release angling is only permitted during the open season for a particular fish species. Catch and release angling during the closed season, or for endangered or threatened fish species is prohibited. Here is the link to the DEC site and then click on "Fishing Definitions" http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7917.htm
  2. Here is the correct deal on this buck. It was shot in the town of Day which is near the Great Sacandaga Lake in Saratoga County. It gross green scored 175 and the buck only weighed in the upper 150's. It was shot with rifle in the northern zone. The guy holding the horns in the one pic is Bill Waters and the one who killed it. If you go on facebook and search Dewey Woods Day Ny it is the camps page and has more pics of it.
  3. As a person who has worked in various land surveying fields for 15 years doing property and construction surveying here is my input on this. Hand held GPS units are usually only accurate to 10 Meters = 30 Feet and that is if the skyline and tree canopy is open. Sometimes they can be right on and are a good tool to use to find existing property lines/ corners if you have that info. Just because a property was surveyed does not mean it is in useable coordinate for the GPS. Most smaller survey companies don't use or even own a $30K GPS unit to do property surveys when it's not needed and use an assumed coordinate base such as N: 5000 E: 5000. Even survey grade GPS is not reliable and useable in a dense forest canopy or where the skyline is obstructed. Surveyors usually only put in corner stakes on a property and do not mark the lines for two reasons. One is most people don't need lines marked and two, most people want the survey done for as cheap as possible so the survey gives a price taking out any and all unnecessary work. Most surveyors will come out and mark lines for an additional fee. Hope this helps answer some things for you.
  4. I also had a Hornady Custom not go off for me about 10 years ago on a nice buck standing broadside 40' away. He didn't hang out too long after he heard my gun go click and I never got him. It was not a rifle problem either becuase we tried it in about 6 other guns and it wouldn't go off. I only had the bullets at most 2 years and if they weren't on me while hunting they were stored in my gun cabinet drawer next to a bag of silica to keep moisture away. That was the last year I used Hornady's.
  5. I wouldn't switch your bullets mid season, my Ruger M77 Ultralight will not shoot the ballistic tip Hornady's accurately. I could only get about a 6" group at 100yds. I went back to the boat tail soft points and it came into a 1/2" group at 100yds. You may be fine but it definately depends on the gun and how it's going to react.
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