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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by squirrelwhisperer

  1. I can honestly say that I have never even tasted a freshwater fish. I live on and fish saltwater and eat saltwater fish exclusively. Nothing better than ocean fish. During the season, which starts in about a month, I will eat fish basically once per week. My boys (16 and 11) were raised on the stuff. They're fine! Shoot, they started fishing as soon as they could hold a rod. Older son has been on the boat since 5, little one since 3.
  2. This would be the absolute worst case scenario for our country.
  3. How long do you cook it for? What temp? Looks awesome. I wanna try it.
  4. Typical dem move. I don't like something so let's make it illegal.
  5. OK, maybe I am just a bit slow here....Covid-19 is or is not Corona virus??
  6. My father is in HI now. Leaving Friday. I will let you know how much of a PITA it was for him.
  7. I say this all the time, lol. Sometimes I say. "Go ask your mother, so she can say no."
  8. You made your bed now sleep in it. We'll play it by elbow. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. It's time to pay the piper. A variation of above...Shite in one hand and wish in the other and tell me which fills up first. Dad I'm bored...go rake leaves, go cut the grass, etc.
  9. Thank you so much for your generosity!! PM to follow.
  10. It's obvious from their rhetoric, the dem candidates hate America, so why would they want a flag on stage with them? In that light, the lack of a flag makes sense to me! I know what you are gonna say, but personally, I would only attempt to destroy/ruin something I hated, hence the basis for my assumption.
  11. She's beautiful Wooly. Watch out tho, def some on here won't like your "evil", "uncontrollable" and "unpredictable" pup. I bet she thinks she is a lap dog to boot!!! lol
  12. How it should be! Wage Inequality: You get paid what you're worth, not everybody makes the same. The guy who takes care of my pool is obviously valuable, but not as much as the doctor that addresses our health concerns Healthcare: It sucks!! Obama ruined the healthcare. Drop Obamacare and go back to the way it was. You want healthcare, go work for it! Foreign Policy: This one is simple. Screw everyone else, America first!! Leave us alone or we make your country one big parking lot. As far as the leftists are concerned, just because someone claims the ocean isn't salty, no matter how much he convinces the gullible, it doesn't change the facts.
  13. I guess him admitting it went unnoticed by you. Pay attention around the one minute mark
  14. I admit, I am truly relieved. I thought ALL democrats had totally lost their minds and began hating their country, or at least wanting to ruin/destroy it. Thank you @GreeneHunter and @Steve D for restoring my faith in common sense across the aisle. You both have proven me wrong in thinking that there was absolutely none left. I say, let the best man win....and he will....again!
  15. If ppl would exercise some common sense and do the right thing in general, we wouldn't have half the laws currently in the books.
  16. FINALLY!! A Democrat that makes some sense. I thought they were extinct.Thank you Steve. I agree with everything you said, with exception to being a registered dem. lol
  17. Perhaps they would fit my 12 y/o for pheasant hunting? Not sure who is more excited, him or me. He has walked the fields with me before, but this will be his first year shooting. He also wants me to set him up for deer!!! 219 DAYS UNTIL OCT 1st!!!!!
  18. The unholy koran tells him to beat his wife/gf when she is disobedient. (34) As for women of whom you fear rebellion, convince them, and leave them apart in beds, and beat them. 7 Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7 nkjv The unholy koran also says to "kill the idolators, wherever they are found" Who are the idolators? Any non muslim. (9:5) Kill the idolaters wherever you find them and take them prisoners, and beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush. 44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, Matthew 5:44 nkjv Religion of peace my ass!! Dems hate to bring this up because Obama was a muslim. Dems don't appreciate truth. End of rant
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