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squirrelwhisperer last won the day on August 21 2021

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1 Follower

About squirrelwhisperer

  • Birthday 11/16/1972

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Long Island

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  • Hunting Location
    Long Island
  • Hunting Gun
    Kimber 300 Win Mag
  • Bow
    Mathews Z7

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  1. Kamala???? We will be a third world country before her first 100 days! She was a political tool herself. A "black" woman to win votes. The "sheep" will do whatever they are told and it would wind up either her or Michelle. America would be doomed. Trump is our last chance to save our country. If he does not get in, it will effectively be Obama's fourth term and we all remember how hell bent he was on destroying America. He is too damn close. We NEED Joe to stay in it.
  2. What we need to do is to help convince sleepy Joe to stay in the race. Even his own party thinks he doesn't stand a chance. They will have to resort to trying to steal the election (again). In other news... I heard that they passed a law that only American citizens can vote in a Presidential election. Why wasn't this the case from the time of George Washington?? Anyway, I guess this blows the open border up in their faces What they need to include is: you must be alive, no mail in ballots (unless you are in the military and out of the country), photo ID at the polling station. The only violence I wish towards the dems is that someone would slap some common sense into them.
  3. My biggest fear is they will convince sleepy Joe to drop out and then everyone votes for the replacement because it's not Trump. I hear they are trying to get Michelle Obama in. He was the worst first lady ever! We all need to pray that Joe stays in it.
  4. I love puppies!! I'm happy for you both.
  5. they are only starting to drop down here
  6. Not sure how far away you are FL, but both are still great spots to fish from shore.
  7. This is the first I'm hearing of this. I have an Coast Guard issued OUPV (Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessel) affectionately known as a six pack (six paying passengers). Is this crazy state gonna make me take more courses?!?!?
  8. Sry Al, haven't been here in a while. I will try it I guess. What have I got to lose but a monster buck lol
  9. I would like to try this but am worried about the smell. I use Sawyers because it dries scent free. Shoots100 called it a cover scent....has anyone ever been winded using this? I don't want to find out the hard way that my tick repellent is scaring my deer away...I am good enough at doing that on my own.
  10. I have a Milwaukee electric pole saw that i can change the saw head for a hedge trimmer head, a gas powered chain saw for the big stuff and a small (6") handheld electric chainsaw for small stuff. I also carry pruning shears and a folding saw in my pack, just in case. I usually drive thru the woods so I trim enuff room for my truck and then trim tree branches and shooting lanes for my stand. Man I can't wait to get started!!
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