i have 2 tenants that are on section 8, they both get help with the rent. my one tenant takes full advantage of every program that she can. She gets help with her rge from heap, she gets help with her co pays on her meds. she also now has a free cell phone some how that she doesn't pay for. plus she has one of her own already. she is a smoker and a drinker. 2 yrs ago she was able to get a new car and now she is talking about buying the house because she is getting some kind of settlement. she will be "poor" after buying house so there are programs that will help with work on the house. like siding and fix garage for her so she says.
I know i should be grateful that my mortgage is being paid for but hell, i would love to have a free cell phone and help with my bills. seems like welfare is backwards, it should be for the hard working people who help themselves not the other way. we should be rewarded someway. but i also don't see anything wrong with getting help if its needed for a short period not years, i think that hurts them in the long run they only become lazy and will only fight for their place in line to hand in the paper work not fight for a job and be proud of what they have earned on their own.