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Paula last won the day on September 28

Paula had the most liked content!

About Paula

  • Birthday July 4

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  • Hunting Location
    8g 8h 8m 9h

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  1. I used it once but I don't think I was in a good area so I don't think it worked for me. But I dropped it in the snow and never found it The stuff that four seasons talking about is expensive so I probably wouldn't try that
  2. Nice pictures. If you're coming this way for hunting this year I'll take a rack or two please lol
  3. Also I learned a few things non hunting from a few guys and it came in handy after buying a house I feel if I stop posting I will get picked out again. Lol
  4. Also I'm am glad you guys are digging up old post.
  5. I found some good beer on this site and had beer sent to me because of this site.
  6. This site and any site need to have new members. Everyone has a different perspective on any situation, and it would be nice to hear of different ideas or hear different scenarios. Also it's hard to get on here when it's slow and freezes often. It's easier to get in other site.
  7. I still chat with him, he is the same as he was. He has retired again
  8. Hey guys, I forgot about squirrel hunting I should go out. @airedale good luck
  9. Are you on there or go as a anonymous guest?
  10. I'm shocked that you have never heard of this.
  11. Very nice, congratulations
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