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Paula last won the day on September 28 2024

Paula had the most liked content!

About Paula

  • Birthday July 4

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    8g 8h 8m 9h

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  1. Deer are pretty nosy. I think that if your tree stand is close to your house or another popular area they could get used to noise and then not flinch when you're making extra noise.
  2. Grow a lot always cleared her path before. She hunted on her land behind her house if I remember, maybe a leaf blower was used?
  3. You have to stop! No one is jealous of you
  4. Im going to look into getting this done. I have used Google photos before to order but they're pretty expensive. I don't have these two anymore so It will be a good memory on how they lended up doing stuff together
  5. Somebody that used to be on the site and I think he's still a member here and over at the other one. Fell from a ladder stand, I don't remember the circumstance. He truly is the reason that I use one
  6. I used it once but I don't think I was in a good area so I don't think it worked for me. But I dropped it in the snow and never found it The stuff that four seasons talking about is expensive so I probably wouldn't try that
  7. Nice pictures. If you're coming this way for hunting this year I'll take a rack or two please lol
  8. Also I learned a few things non hunting from a few guys and it came in handy after buying a house I feel if I stop posting I will get picked out again. Lol
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