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Everything posted by Versatile_Hunter

  1. As much as I'd like to settle this in person and over inappropriate amounts of beer, the way these conversations ought to be had, sadly I won't be able to drive up tonight. Now you say you're low on masks? The next time The Man makes you come in to the city, stop by and I'll hook you up with some good ones.
  2. @Biz-R-OWorld You’re playing make believe again. Here I quote my actual argument for you to review at your convenience.
  3. Nonsense. Look at the states with the highest relative number of welfare recipients. All Republican led. The old pull yourself up by your bootstraps idiom isn’t really holding up.
  4. It’s not binary like this. There are also long term effects of Covid that any reasonable person would want to avoid. But fine, if you want to make it about comorbidities, 40% of American is obese. Do you not know a single overweight person you care about? Someone old or recovering from cancer?
  5. Be the man? You shouldn’t feel emasculated by learning…
  6. Utterly incoherent… what makes you think you have privileged insight to “real” anything. Simply absurd.
  7. The ten poorest states are run by Republicans.. care to revise your assertion? Where do you come up with all this misguided insight to epidemiology, be it Covid or CWD? It can’t all be Alex Jones can it? Half the crap you say is indecipherable and the remainder is poorly parroted soundbites you heard and are light years away from understanding. I think you guys call that a sheep. It’s ok to not know things. It’s not ok to be loud and audacious about your ignorance. There are smart people here giving you the time of day you get nowhere else in your life. Don’t blow it.
  8. PCR may show positive for a long time. The antigen test will show negative once your body brings down the viral count.
  9. Is this the same place you sourced that blurb from yesterday? You have to find new sources, it’s starting to get embarrassing for you. I’ll copy/paste your post from yesterday below: G-Man Posted yesterday at 04:53 PM Well since non white are an elevated risk as per ny state and most of the deaths are of southern European or African decent its logical , add to the fact that they come out with a r na modifying vaccine it's simple logic if you have whole sequence your at very high risk partial is less and less and so on . No sequence your a symptomatic.. the boosters are a waste of time as its modified and it takes nearly 6 months to make a flu vaccine for millions guessing latest strain.. yet they have boosters available immediately?? Logic and common sense and reading abut off cdc sites a d government releases show the truth
  10. Well I hope tomorrow’s better. You’re one of the more even keeled members of the forum and you typically stay above the fray. Hell, if @Northcountryman wanted to start a Cory for mod campaign, I could see myself getting behind it.
  11. It’s identical to when you got confused about “breakthrough.” You’re so busy patting yourself on the back that you fail to realize that you’ve been arguing against a fictitious position that I never took.
  12. The risk factors was the part I understood. It’s the rest that gets really murky…
  13. Wow… The only part that I can make any sense of is that you’re saying that people of Southern European or African ancestry, living in New York State, are at a higher risk of illness/death from Covid. @Biz-R-OWorld, “government releases show the truth” wreaks of conspiracy theory. This is your world. Can you lend a hand here and help interpret?
  14. What conspiracy claim? Are you serious? You're incapable of going a single day without spewing some ridiculous conspiracy theory. You call hospital workers heroes when you want to play the sanctimonious card. Didn't you recently claim that hospitals have no incentive to cure people since that equates to a lost customer? There you go, one of your incessant conspiratorial claims. Get your story straight.
  15. I'm not calling anybody a liar. Biz is big into making outlandish conspiracy theory claims and then fumbling to back them up with tenuous anecdotal blurbs. My point: understaffed hospitals taking extreme measures during times of crisis does not equate to an overarching conspiracy theory with overlords pressing protective measures and halting society for their financial gain. This pandemic has been rough and the vast majority of stakeholders have major incentives to return to normalcy.
  16. Man, you seem to know a lot about this stuff. Tell us more!
  17. There's a huge difference between actual policy and what a couple of shoddy practitioners (is this the same bunch that struggled with "breakthrough infection"), who associate with you, choose to do in an understaffed (and likely second-rate) clinical department. But you weren't just making an observation, were you? You're using this unverifiable anecdote as a cheap attempt to invalidate the very real risks of Covid. Nice try.
  18. This would be a brilliantly hilarious response... but I know there's no irony there. It's an earnest expression of your sincere views. God, there's no hope.
  19. This is typical of your arguments. You say something that’s absurd and largely baseless. When you’re pressed on it, you hide behind weird anecdotal bits of nonsense. If you don’t know wtf you’re talking about, it’s ok to hold back and not lead with your typically absurd (and of course highly informed since you know a doctor and a pharmacist) assertions. This is the same thing that happened when you wanted to insist that breakthrough infection means something other than its actual definition. When pressed, how did you respond? “Oh, I know some ‘intelligent’ people who don’t know what it means.” Weird.
  20. President Biden (and many others) rightfully called Covid a pandemic of the unvaccinated, referring to the fact that the vast majority of hospitalizations (severely ill) and deaths occurred in the unvaccinated. Not a difficult idea, you should be able to follow along. This concept still holds, even as the virus continues to evolve.
  21. Nice buck for sure but I thought @wolc123 shared some monster buck pics since the new year??
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