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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Well there has to some acceptable procedure because they do catch and prosecute shoplifters all the time.
  2. When technology takes the place of living a life, there is no balance. And that is what I see happening. We have people who can't even walk without collisions because they have become so engrossed in their latest techno-gadget that they zone out of life completely. We have kids that are atrophying into large lumps of fat because they are enslaved with the deluge of video games. Technology has it's place, but when it gets so addictive that it starts pulling the users away from reality and the experiencing of life, something is going wrong.
  3. If your suspicions are correct, what makes you think he will honor your request? Frankly, I wouldn't give my name to any project that antihunters were preparing to launch. Clever context manipulation and outright lies are the tools of their trade. Tread carefully.
  4. That is not bickering. That is simply reacting to someone who stated they and their bow are ready to go out and fling arrows at deer when clearly they were not. Yes, the guy could have just ignored them, kept his mouth shut without trying to straighten them out. It really is nothing to him .... right? I applaud those that speak up in these kinds of instances and in no way consider that to be bickering. You don't feel some responsibility to speak up in that kind of situation?
  5. While landowner liability has been relaxed quite a bit, I still think landowners are liable for any known hazards like uncovered wells, and perhaps unsafe treestands. I say that's what I "think" because I have not heard of any modern day successful lawsuits based on such neglected and unposted dangerous hazards. It certainly would be something to check out with the family lawyer.
  6. Doc


    If you know that certain people are doing this sort of thing and have any sort of evidence, eye witness accounts, or anything that is actionable by the DEC, call them on the TIPP line http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/393.html You can be the eyes and ears that they, with their diminished numbers, need to enforce those laws that you want these creeps to live by.
  7. So here we go again. Somebody starts a thread about seeing a couple of guys who were apparently ill-prepared to be bowhunting and it is instantly labeled as being "bickering between hunters". There is no bickering going on in this thread. It is simply the expression of an opinion that some people are not concerned enough with their shooting proficiency. I have no idea how widespread this inadequacy is, but if we cannot agree that shooting proficiency is an important part of bowhunting without considering that "bickering between hunters", then the sport is really in big trouble and apparently we cannot discuss anything without it being considered "bickering".
  8. I have seen people that are pretty much naturals at shooting that could pick up any style of bow and have some level of success in short order. They are pretty damned rare. I have seen far more that really struggle to get the kind of proficiency that it takes to make things work in hunting conditions. Archery is a skill and it does require practice. There's no denying that, even if you have $1500 worth of bow with all kinds of accessories hanging all over it. That is one of the unfortunate misconceptions these days. You cannot buy enough gadgets and go-fasters to make up for time on the range. I will say that those who have been at it for a bunch of years may very well have the luxury of getting tuned up and tweaked with a short period of time just prior to the season. But with only very few exceptions, at some point in their archery experience, some quite rigorous shooting technique development has had to have occurred. It sounds to me like the two subjects of this thread were attempting to skip over that "development" stage. It's hard to say how to react when you spot something like that. Come down too hard and you might push new-comers away from bowhunting. But it is probably not something that should just be sluffed off without some kind of comment.
  9. Nothing wrong with a few creature comforts while you hunt. Hunting is not supposed to be some form of deprivation and torture. You don't get extra points for pain and suffering ... lol. As far as I'm concerned, up to the point where it all becomes a burden to carry, the more the merrier. What ever keeps me on stand longer, belongs in my pack.
  10. Yup! It really sounds nasty, but I'm addicted to them. Last year I packed 4 of them for opening day. It was supposed to be two for breakfast and two for lunch. All four were gone by 10:00 am. I couldn't help myself! And that thermos of coffee is a must too.
  11. I have often wondered the same thing about old wooden hunting platforms that we have built over the years. They do get abandoned, and might be a temptation to lure some dummy to climb up and try to sit in one of them. What if due to lack of repair and maintenance the stand breaks and someone gets hurt. Is that considered keeping an unsafe menace on the property? Is that kind of the same thing as a salesman falling through a porch step and causing grounds for a lawsuit.
  12. You must be talking some theory about a bowstring ..... right?
  13. Cold fried egg sandwiches.........lots of them.
  14. We have an awful lot of maple leaves that never changed color, but simply went to brown and fell. There are others that are turning yellow with the edges dead and brown. I guess I have seen some of this in years past, but never to the extent that it is happening this year.
  15. And so ends the controversy as to whether blaze orange spooks deer ..... lol.
  16. Anybody ever run into you? Good thing you don't go out in full camo.
  17. Lol .... I have seen some lot lines that the landowner cannot even follow without a blazed survey being performed. When you get a half mile or mile off the road and over a hill, I defy anyone to know exactly where the line is without extensive surveying equipment or a properly marked boundary. Also, if your land is not marked, good luck proving that someone was over the line. It pretty much comes down to your guess against his. And as far as I am concerned, the better marked, the more substantial your case. So as far as visual pollution from too many signs, I say.....It looks fine to me and it serves a purpose, and those that don't like it can stay the hell away from my property if they are that offended by it. I purposely paid extra to have the surveyors blaze the property line, and then I posted the hell out of it with permanent metal signs and I do whatever I have to do to maintain that marked line. It's my property, I paid a lot of money for it. I continue to pay a lot of money for taxes on it, and I want to know exactly where it begins and where it ends. Back in the old days, farmers paid a lot of money and put in some gosh-awful hours to mark their property boundaries. And they didn't do that to keep trespassers off. They did it because they considered their property an important asset that needs definition. Posted signs can provide the same definition today to eliminate conflicts. The old saying that good fences make good neighbors applies to posted property also.
  18. I'm a bowhunter, but by the time the late season rolls around, I am ready for some time off. Besides, I am limited as to much clothing I can pile on and still draw my bow to any kind of consistent anchor and freedom from clothing/string interferences. Not real good at archery when I am dressed up like a Michelin man look-alike. I have never taken advantage of the late season and probably will not this year either.
  19. Lol.... everybody is playing with poll numbers. Of course there is only one poll that will really count. I will say that the Astorino campaign has finally started. I have actually seen a couple of Republican TV spots. One thing that has to be remembered is that Cuomo does have some soft spots. There are liberals that think he is not liberal enough (imagine what kind of government they would like to have ..... lol). There are "Greenies" that are unhappy with him. These people are fielding their own candidates and splitting the pinko vote. They're not our buddies, but God bless them, they are doing our work for us. Now if we can just keep our own house in order by keeping gun owners focused and heading to the polls.....who knows? Yes we are starting from a hole, but perhaps Cuomo is still digging his hole.
  20. Years ago, I used to laugh at the Japanese for paying $5 a pound for beef. Lol....Actually it wasn't all that many years ago. Food.......a luxury only for the rich!
  21. Forbid????? Did you use the word "Forbid"?
  22. I have eaten enough tags to realize that I sure don't want to let too many go by in bow season. When gun season rolls around, I become a lot more picky. Those of us that hunt heavily used state land without the benefits of agriculture in the area do understand how rare some of these opportunities can be. We understand that opportunities in such areas are not to be squandered ....lol.
  23. My ballot choices are simple: Did you vote for the Safe Act? If yes, where is the spot I have to fill in for your opponent. Did you NOT vote for the safe act? If you didn't, you've got my vote. It is just that simple. If you voted for it, my vote is my expression of punishment for trampling on the second Amendment. Nothing else matters this year. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/17272-lest-we-forget/page-1
  24. I think the corn leaf is a likely possibility.
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